Buying a Good Gi. . .


Yellow Belt
I have been pretty active in the martial arts for the last 4 years, and in that time I've had one gi I've used all that time.

It is a black Pro Force 100% cotton gi, I think it's a 10 oz weight, might be 8 oz (I don't remember, and the tags don't seem to say). However, after 4 years of pretty regular and heavy use it's getting pretty worn out.

Now I'm wanting a new gi. I want one that's high quality, durable, will last for years of regular use. The dojo I study at just asks that the gi be white or black, or a combination of white and black (like white top and black pants), but no red or blue or anything else like that, but otherwise lets students wear any gi they want. Most wear Karategi, but a few wear judogi, and one instructor wears a hapkido gi.

I generally want a 100% cotton gi, pretty heavy in fabric weight, karategi style, and if it would be practical cost-wise I'd like a white top and black pants (personal preference).

I'm wanting to know what is the best, and what is a good value. I've heard of the really high end Shureido gi, but I don't know if they would really be so good at around $180 to be better than a $40 or $50 gi from another company. If they honestly are that much better, I'll shell out for one, but if I'm doing that, I've also heard they are sized a little differently.

So, any advice on what I should buy? Good brands/styles? Good places to order from?
Here is a link to a website with some gi's for sale. I would recommend a good mid weight gi. They are durable and last a while, and they do feel like you are wearing jeans like a heavy weight

I've been wearing Juka brand gis for about 8 years now, and they are certainly my favorite.

They've allowed me to order pants and tops seperately several times, I suspect they won't care about color. I personally prefer the Juka silver, but thats just me.

See if your instructor will set up a wholesale account, you can save some money that way.

Ronin Brand Gi are very high quality and reasonably priced. I think their durablity & quality rivals those that are twice the price. If you want a heavier weight or do any grappling, I'd recomend a Jujutsu-gi. They look the same as the Karate-gi but have more stiching and reinforcement. I don't think you can get a different color top & pants but you could get a white gi & a black gi for less than you'd pay for a pricey one and mix and match to your liking.

ronin brand black jujutsu-gi.

ronin brand white jujutsu-gi.

ronin brand heavyweight karate-gi.

I hope this helps.

_Don Flatt
I am with Blindside. I have been wearing a JUKA Gold for some time now and it is absolutely, without a doubt, the best Gi I have ever had. This thing is perfect.
I am a big Shureido fan but I used to wear KI also which I just got an account with them also so I can save a bit on them. If the money allows I would get a shureido but you will need to get it direct to get them mix and matched.