Buy a car get gas for $2.99 for 3 years??


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Chrysler Offers Gas Card as Incentive
Buyers of a Chrysler, Jeep, or Dodge can fill up for $2.99 a gallon for three years.
Remember when the prospect of $3.00-gallon gasoline was supposed to cue the death knell for the domestic auto industry? Now the prospect of keeping $3.00 as a ceiling price is being used by Chrysler as in incentive to sell its cars.
Chrysler is hoping to jumpstart its faltering sales by guaranteeing customers they won't have to pay more than $2.99 per gallon for most of the gas they use in their new Dodge, Chrysler, or Jeep for the next three years in an innovative new program that starts May 7 and runs through June 2.
"We want to give our customers peace of mind,” said Chrysler vice chairman Jim Press as he rolled out the new program during a conference call with reporters. “One of the things that is weighing on the minds of customers is the volatility of the price of gasoline.”
So presumably you can take the savings on buying gas and put it towards your car payment then once it's paid off (in 3 years... or more) then you're back to paying the same price as everyone else.
Somehow I'm smelling something funny here... almost as if there's a tie in between the automobile industry and Big Oil... yeah I know I'm starting to sound like Oliver Stone but c'mon... 3 years... if they really want to motivate me... make it $2.99 for life! Or for as long as I own the car.
If you were in the market for a new car would this make you consider buying one??
Yea car sales are down wonder why the economy is so strong.

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