Instead of talking about what I liked and didn't like, which points more towards my political opinions, I'll state what worked in Bush's favor, and what didn't.
A few things in Bush's favor:
1. The interview humanized him. People see that the guy isn't an uncaring tyrant, and that he actually seems to care. Some of this is staged, but I think some of it is sincere as well. Regardless, he comes off as a very likeable guy who is just trying to do the best thing for us.
2. The interview allowed the public to see his logic behind his actions. When he gives speaches, it sounds like a lot of propiganda with no substance. In an interview like this he can't just throw out catch phrases about the war on terror or Saddam being an evil man without actually having to back up his statements and give the logic behind it. Giving this logic, though, will actually help him because people will at least be able to understand where he is coming from.
3. This interview shows that he is not afraid to address the many problems with the things that have been going to during his administration.
Things not in Bushs favor:
1. The interview humanized him. Yes, I know this worked in his favor, but it will also hurt him. Most voters who dislike Bush have had a very defeatist attitude. They have been completely apathetic, whining "I don't like Bush, but I am afriad he is going to get elected again..." Most of these morons won't even show up at the polls. Now, that he did this interview, for those who actually watched and do oppose him, and who listened to all the critical evidence brought to the table, this interview could make people realize that Bush is human, and he is beatable.
2. This interview allowed the public to see the logic behind his actions. I know that this also works in his favor, but this could also hurt him. There are many glarring flaws in his logic and arguements that many voters will see right through.
3. THis interview brings to light the host of problems that have been running rampent during his adminstistration. Correct or not, he will be blamed for most of these problems.
So, thats my overall assessment.