Bush never lied to us about Iraq

Wait a minute... Canada has oil, beer, and beautiful women? Why the hell aren't we invading them?

Uh... the border is too long? NAFTA? Oh... wait... we can't (based on current "intelligence") blame Canada for 9/11!
Heck I have been blaming Canada for YEARS.. sitting up there all peaceful and happy not bothering anyone.... THOSE are EXACTLY the ones you have to watch :D

I blame them for those goofy dimes that end up in your pocket just when you really need a soda from the vending machine.
America the truth is out there.. Our Govt officials have forsaken us. You should do a bit more research on the North American Union, and the lifting of borders between Canada and Mexico. The worlds overpopulation, and how they are planning on minimizing the numbers. Chemtrails, Flouride, H.A.A.R.P., RFID chip, REAL ID, and more.

There are way too many consequences going on. I can account and say one or two are cosequence. However, I cannot say that a mere dozen ideals, or theories are!! There lies truth somewhere.. The govt hides in the media and propoganda trying to keep the truth out of the eyes of masses. They have been laying this ground for years and years. It is only getting closer and closer to becoming real and they are being outted. THE NWO is real. The UN is trying to create a massive New World Order (one government, one religion, one money) Haven't you seen the new NAU "Amero"? It will be the currency of the future. The RFID chip that they are implanting in soldiers, and within your passports, and now they want to put them in school childrens books etc... How much longer until they start putting them into students and employees of a certain branch? How much longer until they require all citizens of the new NOrth American Union to be "chipped?" They'll tell you its to better track you etc... But is it really? There is a massive illusion going on behind our backs as the Govt' plays second fiddle to us.

There are a proven 600 or more Concentration camps that the US military are planning on using when Martial Law uprises. The POLICE STATE mentality is on the rise. As a police officer who knows of many who work for Homeland Security I've found out and heard of some of the stories of Martial Law. Just recently the US MARINES done a 2 week "mock urban warfare" training within the city and the streets of Indianapolis. WHY? WHy must they prepare to do such things within the city? Do they not have multi million dollar training camps and facilities for such training?

GO TO : www.infowars.com for more info
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:lfao: Get out the tinfoil!

he's right about the camps, though....
Kailat, whilst almost any political or philosophical view is worthy of analysis and discourse, I do have to say that the boats rather sailed on this one.

I too enjoyed David Ikes lectures on the actual global nature of governance and the ability we have to hide reality from ourselves (altho' I found the Lizard Kings a step too far off the end of the pier). However, the impact of them was pretty much as you'd expect. That doesn't mean there wasn't a core of truth in them but trumpeting them as Messianic News rather undermines their impact when done on the tail of a thread like this.

I don't say this to be mocking but rather that you could perhaps make more headway if you posted your views on this in a more applicable forum or at least in a thread of their own?

EDIT: Elder, be nice now. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so it was inevitable that a gravitational mass of Right-Wingism would draw forth it's anti-particle. The trick is to avoid an explosion ...
LIES, that is all this country has been built on. Im a firm believer that something fishy is going on within our government. My opinions really do not hold much water. As you've seen here. My point is to help spread the word that there are conspiracies thruout the political empowerment of the world. George Bush Sr. said it himself, wanting to bring forth a "New World Order". If you cannot see it is in the making then your not awake yet.

The secret societies of this world Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg is just to name a few that have been controlling the events of ongoings within the US for years.

Whether this or many post go on another thread or not, the topic is BUSH never lied to us about IRAQ! In recent studies Bush has lied. The truth behind 9/11 has been outted. However, many do not wish to unload the impeachment this late in his term. I am a patriot of our constitution and our country. I took an oath twice to defend this nation from terrorism both foreign and domestic. Protecting myself and the loved ones in my life and those weak and strong is what I intend on doing. I hope all this is hoopla and we never end up in a Police State and or Martial Law over running this nation. If it does I can say I wont go silently. As well as I will not bow to the NAU and the NWO and allow any RFID chip to be inplanted within my body.. If all this is true as Im certain it is.. We must be assure it is nearing the end of days... Just reamin eyes wide open and now you can see for yourself as you've been made aware as it becomes more public as days/months/years go by.

thank you

There are a proven 600 or more Concentration camps that the US military are planning on using when Martial Law uprises. The POLICE STATE mentality is on the rise. As a police officer who knows of many who work for Homeland Security I've found out and heard of some of the stories of Martial Law. Just recently the US MARINES done a 2 week "mock urban warfare" training within the city and the streets of Indianapolis. WHY? WHy must they prepare to do such things within the city? Do they not have multi million dollar training camps and facilities for such training?

My morbid curiosity has driven me to wonder about these camps that you are referring to.

As for urban warfare, it is a training requirement. Practicing in real situations is another training requirement. It isn't some conspiracy...its just training. There are not multi million dollar training camps for this kind of stuff. There are training sites...but no training situation can ever simulate the real thing.
The song Blame Canada was an Academy Award Nominated song. Robin Williams performed it at the ceremony.






As for the Marine Urban Warfare training.. sure it maybe just training now.. but I personally feel that soldiers need not be trained in our streets. When I was in the ARMY we never trained in any sort of training. Even while doing training within Law Enforcement we've done closed circuit training, never in the public eye. I just find there may be a hidden agenda behind it. Sure they tell us that its for the safety of the streets. So are they saying there is a possible threat of having to fight within our city streets in the future? Im assuming that day is coming and it could very well happen sooner than we may think.... The idea of a POLICE STATE and MARTIAL LAW is not a new proposed philosophy.

http://infowars.net/articles/may2008/290508Indianapolis.htm ( take a moment to read others input and responses at the end of this page.)

I'll leave this as the final post on this subject. As I see some are not so open minded and may only wake up too late. It is common these ideas and these so called conspiracy theories be left just that in the eyes and minds of those who would rather be less optimistic than others. I personally feel there are ONE too many coincidences going on with all these statements and stories.... Im certain that they just aren't pulled out of the air to make us all nervous. As a member of the militia they are far more intelligent on this than I had imagined. I am only beginnig to see what they have been talking about. Beware the Govt' is wanting to try to abolish the 2nd amendment to take away your rights of the constitution. IF we allow this, then they win... This is just one of many rights they have tried to take away from us.

Anyway, I have alot more research on this to do. Im not saying im some conspiracist.. Just a concerned patriot that wants my children and grandchildren to grow up in a free nation. A United States of America. Not some NORTH AMERICAN UNION... if all this is true, we need to stop it now.
Here's the thing though, I'm going to Basic with the Marines in October, and I know many people in the military. When the topic of creating a Police State comes up, they all agree, they will lead a military coup and re-establish our Democracy (just repeating there words).

And, lets say that the idea of creating the North America Union is real, how is it evil? For it to happen, the people of every country involved would have to agree (our government cannot just go and create new countries out of us with out our consent). And, the government will likely change little. The governments of Canada and Mexico are based heavily off the government of the US.
Bush never lied to us about Iraq

The administration simply got bad intelligence. Critics are wrong to assert deception.

By James Kirchick
June 16, 2008

Touring Vietnam in 1965, Michigan Gov. George Romney proclaimed American involvement there "morally right and necessary." Two years later, however, Romney -- then seeking the Republican presidential nomination -- not only recanted his support for the war but claimed that he had been hoodwinked.

"When I came back from Vietnam, I had just had the greatest brainwashing that anybody can get," Romney told a Detroit TV reporter who asked the candidate how he reconciled his shifting views.

Romney (father of Mitt) had visited Vietnam with nine other governors, all of whom denied that they had been duped by their government. With this one remark, his presidential hopes were dashed.

The memory of this gaffe reverberates in the contemporary rhetoric of many Democrats, who, when attacking the Bush administration's case for war against Saddam Hussein, employ essentially the same argument. In 2006, John F. Kerry explained the Senate's 77-23 passage of the Iraq war resolution this way: "We were misled. We were given evidence that was not true." On the campaign trail, Hillary Rodham Clinton dodged blame for her pro-war vote by claiming that "the mistakes were made by this president, who misled this country and this Congress."

Nearly every prominent Democrat in the country has repeated some version of this charge, and the notion that the Bush administration deceived the American people has become the accepted narrative of how we went to war.
James Kirchick is an assistant editor at The New Republic. Even in that bastion of liberalism (American style for our British friends who will argue against the term AGAIN) he can understand truth, why can't some of you?

Bush didn't lie...he just "exagerrated" the truth right? Bottom line is that the buck stops with him - the president (and his adminstration) assumes responsibilities for the country's decisions. You can't just hold up your hands when things go bad and say "it's not my fault" or "we were misled".

Whether or not Bush lied or was misled is almost irrelevant. War is supposed to be a last resort. If you are going to commit billions in resources and risk the lives of your citizens, you had better make sure that you are 100% certain that your actions are right, because if you are found to be wrong, then you will be crucified.

Do us a favour and post less crap in future.

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