Burning calories


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
In your classes, how many calories would you say you burn on a average per night. We do alot of cardio and kicking drills so I figure around 2000 but I really do not know how to gauge it the right way. I am taking in around 1600 a day so with that I should be loosing wieght but it just seems like I am not fast enough should I decrease my intake or up it some more thoughout the day to help me burn more?
Master Stoker,
I believed that your intake of 1600 ca/day is not enough based on your size. You size requires at least 2000-2500 cal/day in order for your body not to go into a "panic ie survival " mode. When a body does not have enough calories, it starts to trigger a survival mode so it holds on to every once of fat calories you have

That is why you are not loosing the weight in the timely matter.

Here is my suggestion: eat six small meals a day and I will break it down to for you based on my eating pattern.

Note: I have to switched every thing that is "white, ie. white rice, white bread, white potatoes..et" more earthy colors. Such food that is earthy color are: whole wheat, whole grain bread, sweet potatoes, brown rice, plenty of fruits and veggies.

Breakfast:6:30 or 8:00 am
2 pieces of whole wheat toast with butter & low sugar jelly
cup of coffee with cream and Splenda
1 - Egg, whole wheat muffin w/cheese, slice of ham (or sausage) sandwich
Cup of coffee

Water in between

10:30 am
Fruit cup, or salad, or bowl of tofu or low sugar, fruit and nuts bar, or 1 cup of Nuts and dried fruits

A steak salad, or a 1/2 cup of rice with meat, or 1/2 sandwich with 1 cup of soup (low sodium)
Diet coke

2:30 (repeat 10:30 meal)
Fruit cup, or salad, or bowl of tofu or low sugar, fruit and nuts bar, or 1 cup of Nuts and dried fruits

Dinner (around 4 or 5 or 6)
4-8 oz of meat, with rice or veggies, or a sandwich, or bowl of tofu
water or favorite diet beverage

Go to TKD class and burn off some calories

9:30 pm
A bowl of tofu or a cup of fruit

NOTE: if you like pasta you can eat it, but in smaller amount. Like chicken parmesian, or spaghetti, or ravioli,..etc.

Did you noticed that my regiment does not EXCLUDES food? It involves different type of food.

So if you adapt your daily routine on 6 small meals a day, you will burn alot of calories because your metabolism will be faster. It will take some times to developed the pattern and you have to tell your self to eat. Also, changing the type of food you eat will be hard too.

I went from Bantam to Fin in 1 months based on this regimen.

Good luck
You're probably not burning as many calories as you think you're burning. You could get a heart rate monitor with a calorie tracker and wear it during class to get a more accurate gauge.

Also, if you are burning a large amount of calories, eating at only 1600 calories a day may be too low. If you aren't eating enough calories, your body will think it is starving and just retain fat.
Master Stoker,
I believed that your intake of 1600 ca/day is not enough based on your size. You size requires at least 2000-2500 cal/day in order for your body not to go into a "panic ie survival " mode. When a body does not have enough calories, it starts to trigger a survival mode so it holds on to every once of fat calories you have

That is why you are not loosing the weight in the timely matter.

Here is my suggestion: eat six small meals a day and I will break it down to for you based on my eating pattern.

Note: I have to switched every thing that is "white, ie. white rice, white bread, white potatoes..et" more earthy colors. Such food that is earthy color are: whole wheat, whole grain bread, sweet potatoes, brown rice, plenty of fruits and veggies.

Breakfast:6:30 or 8:00 am
2 pieces of whole wheat toast with butter & low sugar jelly
cup of coffee with cream and Splenda
1 - Egg, whole wheat muffin w/cheese, slice of ham (or sausage) sandwich
Cup of coffee

Water in between

10:30 am
Fruit cup, or salad, or bowl of tofu or low sugar, fruit and nuts bar, or 1 cup of Nuts and dried fruits

A steak salad, or a 1/2 cup of rice with meat, or 1/2 sandwich with 1 cup of soup (low sodium)
Diet coke

2:30 (repeat 10:30 meal)
Fruit cup, or salad, or bowl of tofu or low sugar, fruit and nuts bar, or 1 cup of Nuts and dried fruits

Dinner (around 4 or 5 or 6)
4-8 oz of meat, with rice or veggies, or a sandwich, or bowl of tofu
water or favorite diet beverage

Go to TKD class and burn off some calories

9:30 pm
A bowl of tofu or a cup of fruit

NOTE: if you like pasta you can eat it, but in smaller amount. Like chicken parmesian, or spaghetti, or ravioli,..etc.

Did you noticed that my regiment does not EXCLUDES food? It involves different type of food.

So if you adapt your daily routine on 6 small meals a day, you will burn alot of calories because your metabolism will be faster. It will take some times to developed the pattern and you have to tell your self to eat. Also, changing the type of food you eat will be hard too.

I went from Bantam to Fin in 1 months based on this regimen.

Good luck

Thanks for the breakdown and you are probaly right not enough calories, one thing to remember I am at my schhol from 3:30 pm until almost every night so eating in those hours are hard for me but will tryto make some changes. One last thing where did you come up with how many calories for my size just curious?
There are a lot of "calorie counters". I find them to be helpful but one thing to keep in mind is that if an activity is claimed to burn 200 calories and hour that's not 200 "extra" calories. You burn something like 100 calories when you're at rest so that would only be 100 extra.

Taekwondodo's point is very true. If your body thinks it is being starved it will do all it can to maintain it's stores.
Master Stoker,
It was an educated guess. My trainer told me to eat more than 1200 cal/day and I weigh 112 pounds, 4'11" high.

I saw you at the Plano AAU qualifer and you are bigger and taller than me so I had to do an educated guess.

I do understand your working during the night time, however, it is pretty easy. It involved pre-planning and you probably have microwave and a mini-refridge at the schools so that that should be all set.

The problem will be is setting the time for you to eat in between classes. Maybe you have some other black belt or senior rank student to do a 10 minutes warm up in class so you can take a snack/dinner break.
Master Stoker,
It was an educated guess. My trainer told me to eat more than 1200 cal/day and I weigh 112 pounds, 4'11" high.

I saw you at the Plano AAU qualifer and you are bigger and taller than me so I had to do an educated guess.

I do understand your working during the night time, however, it is pretty easy. It involved pre-planning and you probably have microwave and a mini-refridge at the schools so that that should be all set.

The problem will be is setting the time for you to eat in between classes. Maybe you have some other black belt or senior rank student to do a 10 minutes warm up in class so you can take a snack/dinner break.

Thanks and yes we do, I can always make time. I am just so concern about loosing the wieght in one year. I need to loose around 100 pounds because I will be testing for my 6th next year. Thank you for your advice and are you going to ref. at Grand Master Garcia tournament next month, if so we need to actually meet each other. TXBB is sending out e-mails asking for help and the pay is not bad. I will send you a PM.
2000 in a night seems excessive, but obviously depends on just how hard you're working out.

Have a look at some of the calorie burning guides for different exercises; here's one I found pretty quickly. High impact aerobics burn about 600 calories per hour.

Keep in mind with this guide that it only counts when you're working hard; time spent talking, water breaks, and so on is really "down" time during a class.

And yes, the other side of the equation is equally important; if you're not taking in enough calories (preferably "good" calories with loads of other nutrients involved) then your body will go into starvation mode and horde what it does have, resulting in your metabolism slowing and your energy levels taking a dive.

Good luck!
Also you may not be eating as few calories as you think. I once thought at I was not eating that many claories but soon found out that I was eating way more that 2000 a day when I started to really count what I ate.

We (I) tend to leave out many calories when we count. Mnay times we (again I) tend to count a 4 serving item as 1 serving. A bottle of gatoraid is 2 to 4 serving depending on the bottle. And there are some things we dont count at all as there are no indications on them, so we don't count them or we make up an amount that is way to low.

I suggest that you get the power 90X program and start that. It will plan out your meals and the workout program is something that you can do at your own pace and level. It does work if you just follow it blindly. I know a few people that have done it and I was impressed. I am going to get it for myself as I want to get ripped like I was when I was in my 20's.

Good luck my friend.
This site might help figure out how many calories you're burning: http://www.lowfatlifestyle.com/caloriecalculator.htm It will give you the amount for various exercises, you could compare those to how hard you're working in class to get an idea. 2,000 in a class seems high to me, but maybe you push harder than I do.

I've lost over 50 lbs since the beginning of February by breaking most of the weight loss rules other than "eat less, exercise more".

I skip breakfast.
I eat a foot long cold cut combo from Subway for lunch (no mayo)
Big (2 cup) bowl of cereal with 2% milk for dinner probably 5 days a week, the other days I'll have chicken, or chili, maybe spaghetti or pizza.

That's about it, sometimes have some sweet tea or coke, still drink diet pop during the day, and a good amount of water. It works for me - and better than eating at BK or McD for lunch every day. :) I'm losing weight at a rate that most people think is best for keeping the weight off.

4-6 Hapkido classes / week, about 1 hour each.

Doing that I've lost an average of 2.2 lbs / week for about the last ~25 weeks, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less but it's been very consistent. I'm looking to lose 100 lbs total too, I should make my goal before Christmas this year.
Remember I do 5 classes a day training people at my school and working out another 2-3 hours a day, all the calories are not burned in a single class but for the entire day. I do want to thank everybody for thier personal insight.
Your body is protecting itself. Calorie intake is way too low for your activity level. Up your calories, you need a high performance athlete's diet. I suggest speaking with a dietician. You might need 3000 plus calories a day if you are working out that much.
That's why I don't ride an exercise bike anymore.

When I had a gym membership (many years ago) I would ride the exercise bike and watch the calorie counter on the bike's display as I pedaled up hill and down, high speed and slow for an hour.

After an hour it said I had burned something like 170 calories. I felt as though I had probably burned 1000 or more calories and all I could think of was "$h!7, I am going to replace those with that can of coke in my car that I will drink on the way home, so that hour was completely wasted."

Needless to say I cancelled my gym membership pretty quickly.