A update as far as wieght lost


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
As of this a.m. I am down to a meer 285 lbs., I know still pretty big but I have lost 23 pounds since National so I am ok with it. As all you know my health as been up and down but with the pure oxygen instead of steriods things are looking up, also I have been doing a morning ground training with some people and I have been getting alot of sweating done and calorie burning first thing. The only thing I eat at night when I get home is fruit because I get home late and for breakfast I eat Special K with berries. The it is a couple of small meal thoughout the day and taken a green tea diet pill. I am hoping for the 250 mark by thanksgiving and the 200 mark by neat Nationals.
Great new Master Terry. Keep up the great work and lets hope for a skinny you.:asian:
As of this a.m. I am down to a meer 285 lbs., I know still pretty big but I have lost 23 pounds since National so I am ok with it. As all you know my health as been up and down but with the pure oxygen instead of steriods things are looking up, also I have been doing a morning ground training with some people and I have been getting alot of sweating done and calorie burning first thing. The only thing I eat at night when I get home is fruit because I get home late and for breakfast I eat Special K with berries. The it is a couple of small meal thoughout the day and taken a green tea diet pill. I am hoping for the 250 mark by thanksgiving and the 200 mark by neat Nationals.

Great job Terry!
Good work, Terry. Slow weight loss is far better than fast. It's healthier and you're more likely to keep it off.

A word of caution on the green tea pills. They have quite a stimulant effect, which can lead to palpitations and headaches and such, and they also affect clotting. Just be cautious. :)
I am very ahppy for you Terry, today I started too, I am taking some naturist pills to help me, I need to loose 50 punds but I think is possible. I am training twice a week only because of my feet issues.

This week I will try to not train and only do my therapy and see how I feel.

I am with you in the loose weight I wish you all the luck.
