Burgled MP wants home stun guns


Green Belt
This is very interesting to me! Finally, a possibility that British people might be able to defend themselves!
An MP whose house was burgled while his family and visitors slept has called for homeowners to be allowed to arm themselves with Taser stun guns.
Thieves broke into the home of Conservative Monmouth MP David Davies, stealing passports and £300 in cash.
He said he felt violated by the crime and wanted householders to be allowed to use police electronic stun guns.
Victim Support said while people should be able to use reasonable force, they should call 999.
Mr Davies's Fiat Punto was used as a getaway car by the thieves who broke in through a downstairs window at his house in his constituency early on Sunday.
He was asleep upstairs along with his wife Aliz 27, and children Sophie, two, and Dominic, three months
The burglar alarm was turned off because the MP's sister-in-law and her boyfriend, who were visiting, were sleeping downstairs.
The thieves got away without disturbing the family but Mr Davies said he believed they armed themselves with a knife they found in the kitchen.
In a statement, Gwent Police said it did not support householders arming themselves with Tasers "or any other type of weapon in order to protect their property".
How crap is that!!! :idunno:
fightingfat said:
This is very interesting to me! Finally, a possibility that British people might be able to defend themselves!
An MP whose house was burgled while his family and visitors slept has called for homeowners to be allowed to arm themselves with Taser stun guns.
Thieves broke into the home of Conservative Monmouth MP David Davies, stealing passports and £300 in cash.
He said he felt violated by the crime and wanted householders to be allowed to use police electronic stun guns.
Victim Support said while people should be able to use reasonable force, they should call 999.
Mr Davies's Fiat Punto was used as a getaway car by the thieves who broke in through a downstairs window at his house in his constituency early on Sunday.
He was asleep upstairs along with his wife Aliz 27, and children Sophie, two, and Dominic, three months
The burglar alarm was turned off because the MP's sister-in-law and her boyfriend, who were visiting, were sleeping downstairs.
The thieves got away without disturbing the family but Mr Davies said he believed they armed themselves with a knife they found in the kitchen.
In a statement, Gwent Police said it did not support householders arming themselves with Tasers "or any other type of weapon in order to protect their property".
How crap is that!!! :idunno:
Just highlighted some more stuff for emphasis. While I condone the safe use of weapons to protect the home and loved ones, how would a taser help in this situation? They slept through it, and last I checked you can't pull a trigger effectively during sleep.
A .45 works very nicely but I don't think they'll go for that...As for the idiot who said that they (the police) don't support private citizens owning weapons to defend their property and familes, I wonder how he'd feel if he was disarmed and made to do the same thing?

I believe in being armed to the teeth. And then some.
pstarr said:
A .45 works very nicely but I don't think they'll go for that...As for the idiot who said that they (the police) don't support private citizens owning weapons to defend their property and familes, I wonder how he'd feel if he was disarmed and made to do the same thing?

I believe in being armed to the teeth. And then some.

Firstly it was a police spokesman that made that statement, and the police in the UK are not armed anyway. and as was pointed out you can't pull the trigger on a taser while you're asleep and neither that of a .45

These things happen he was lucky that the criminals did not fear the threat from a weapon of any sort or things may have turned out for the worse.

Interesting thought though.
Police in the U.S. also advise against "civilians" defending themselves with firearms in their own homes. However, having been a peace officer I'm very much aware that cops (in the U.S.) don't follow their own advice on this issue.
pstarr said:
Police in the U.S. also advise against "civilians" defending themselves with firearms in their own homes. However, having been a peace officer I'm very much aware that cops (in the U.S.) don't follow their own advice on this issue.

Many cops I know *do encourage* civilians to arm themselves, with the caveat they (civilians) get the necessary training first in how to use the firearms.

- Ceicei
OUMoose said:
Just highlighted some more stuff for emphasis. While I condone the safe use of weapons to protect the home and loved ones, how would a taser help in this situation? They slept through it, and last I checked you can't pull a trigger effectively during sleep.

What I find scary about it is that someone armed with a knife got into a house full of sleeping people. In that situation, anything that could help if things went bad could be an ease on the mind.

And the idea of breaking into a house with people inside is something I am familiar with. You don't run into it much in the states, but I have two people I know that had it happen to them. One of them was our next door neighbors. Obviously, the fact that people can't have firearms changes the possibilites for criminals.