Green Belt
So i have been training in 7 Star Praying Mantis for a few years, and i know there are a bunch of people on here that train as well so this is to you. My sifu has been training me in 7 star and i have only been working on 1 Mantis Form at this point (Bung Bo) at this point as my Sifu teaches a little differently then other schools i have seen. He starts off and everyone learns the same basic movements, forms (Long Fist 1-3, 8 Stepping Form), blocks, punches, kicks, weapons until they hit black belt then they go off onto either 7 Star Praying Mantis or Eagle Claw or Long Fist. Anyways my question is this, my Sifu is trying something different with me starting me on the Mantis Forms rather then the typical Long Fist forms due to me being more interested in Mantis over the regular Long Fist style (he is more long fist based and you can tell by how he teachs) but i have only learned the first two roads of Bung Bo up to this point and its strange to me. Is it normal to see so amny differences in the form compared to other 7 Star Mantis Bung Bo's? I have searcheda round the internet and youtube and just watched videos of the form and while most of the form is the same for everyone, there are different parts within the form that are almost completely different then each other or even different then how i learned it myself.
Example: the first punch and block step that pulls back into the mantis hook is the same for everyone i have seen but the next part i see everything from people "jumping" or "springing" forward and then how i do it which is left foot into 7 Star Stance, left hand palm parry black to right shoulder then swing out (to knock enemy over seven star foot0 and then the left hand grabs and pulls under right as right hand punches out (mantis mother move). Im not questions my Sifu's teachings, as he has explained to me how it works and i have seen others do it in a similar way but it jsut seems strange to me taht there is no definative form. Am i wrong for questioning it? I havent had class yet this week, but im going to ask my sifuy when i see him this week i jsut thought i would throw this up on here as there are many of you out there that have been studying Mantis longer then I and can maybe shed some light or info on this for me. Thanks guys and girls :bangahead:
Happy Training
Example: the first punch and block step that pulls back into the mantis hook is the same for everyone i have seen but the next part i see everything from people "jumping" or "springing" forward and then how i do it which is left foot into 7 Star Stance, left hand palm parry black to right shoulder then swing out (to knock enemy over seven star foot0 and then the left hand grabs and pulls under right as right hand punches out (mantis mother move). Im not questions my Sifu's teachings, as he has explained to me how it works and i have seen others do it in a similar way but it jsut seems strange to me taht there is no definative form. Am i wrong for questioning it? I havent had class yet this week, but im going to ask my sifuy when i see him this week i jsut thought i would throw this up on here as there are many of you out there that have been studying Mantis longer then I and can maybe shed some light or info on this for me. Thanks guys and girls :bangahead:
Happy Training