*** attempt at quasi philosophical wit ... may fall on face ***
My only issue with the review, Phil, was the implication that, in the movieverse, all the various things happen in the same movieverse. For instance, all the temples with powerful scrolls and all the hard-edged cops with sidekick partners. I don't think they all exist in the same movieverse. I think there are many alternate movieverses and that each version we see is simply another movieverse's parallel to the others.
So, there is really only one such scroll or hard-edged cop. These are the archetypes. But each archetype has a physical manifestation (parallel counterparts) in many movieverses.
So, from this perspective, I don't encounter many of the problems you discuss (i.e.: wondering when the "Ancient Ones" would wisen up and stop making the silly things).
But that's just me
*** hope it didn't splat too hard ***
Seriously, though, I enjoyed your review and thought that it was pretty accurate.
But, for me, in the final assessment, I enjoyed the movie and found it entertaining ... and since that's why I go to the movies in the first place, I think it was an excellent movie. It did its job