Budo Taijutsu Video Clips I came across!

Great to see some footage of some of the people that i trained with in Japan :D
The action in the 3rd clip reminds me of getting the same 'treatment' at hombu... :eek:

Marie if you're reading this ; it was a tuff and confusing session! :D
I can understand people recording techniques for their own notes so to speak. But really what is the point of posting them on the internet? DoesN7t anyone read Ohashi San's homepage?
But really what is the point of posting them on the internet?

I could say "sharing is caring" but that would be a little odd... ;)
Why couldnt anybody post stuff like that ?
It's nice that we're able to share views on the various subject.

DoesN7t anyone read Ohashi San's homepage?

I sure do ; what's your point ?
The most import thing regarding the crossing of bujinkan and the internet is that we should think about what to put online.
It's not done to put training fees, times and locations ( of the various teachers in Japan ) on the net.
In that line , a few other things are "not done "
But overall i don't see the issue in here regarding the clips that are posted.
The only thing that is shown is a personal view on a certain subject ; nothing more , nothing less.
Really no problem imho.
I could say "sharing is caring" but that would be a little odd... ;) Why couldnt anybody post stuff like that ?

Because you need to have *PERMISSION* to post it publicly for the world to consume. I guarantee you that this individual *NEVER* received permission from Noguchi-sensei to plaster this lesson all over the world.

The problem is that when people do not ask, and it gets back to the Shihan that people who are given permission to film "for their dojo" are actually plastering it on the internet, well, the well will dry up quickly.

Given the way that certain people actively criticize Bujinkan training as "dead" or whatever, how long do you think it will be before someone out there starts slagging Noguchi-sensei? And how long do you think it will be before Noguchi-sensei hears through the grapevine that footage of him has become the fodder of internet warriors? And how long do you think it will be before Noguchi-sensei simply says, "It ain't worth the trouble....."?

Is it really worth the cockle warming that you receive by sharing such things without permission when it threatens *ALL FILMING* by Shidoshi globally?

I think not.

i think you make a good point.
but i think the show was quite decent anyways. doesn't give away anything but shows the effectiveness.

Because you need to have *PERMISSION* to post it publicly for the world to consume. I guarantee you that this individual *NEVER* received permission from Noguchi-sensei to plaster this lesson all over the world.

Well ; in this case the stuff shown could indeed be picked up from just one teacher.
But even so ; is it exactly 100% indentical?
Personally ; i don't think so.
It's an interpetation of something that somebody saw imho.
What is the problem of showing just a bit of video about some of the various interpetations that came along during a training?
The way i see it , it's a nice insight of something that was shown before.
Something that you can enjoy and maybe even learn from, thats what it does for me at least ;)

The problem is that when people do not ask, and it gets back to the Shihan that people who are given permission to film "for their dojo" are actually plastering it on the internet, well, the well will dry up quickly.

Allow me being the devils advocate here ; since i've spotted dozens of people camming during various sessions at hombu this year ( not just one or two people but about 10 lenses or so... ) it seems to me that it's actually getting more "eased up "
Don't get me wrong ; i found it to be quite disturbing.
I admit ; during my first trip i also tried to get some of the classes on video ( with permission from the shihan teaching of course ) but then just a few people were camming , in just a few years it seems that more and more people are joining in...

Given the way that certain people actively criticize Bujinkan training as "dead" or whatever ...

They'll keep on flaming ; if they don't have the video they'll get some other rotten eggs to throw with.
You can have your day absolutely #censored!# by that or you can let the criticasters just shout like they're air.
Sharing is caring???

The trouble with posting videos like this on the net is that it enables "dodgy" instructors and fakes to copy something aproximating real Bujinkan techniques.

Soke has said many times we are not to teach "bad people", you post a video clip on the net, the world can see it. You can be (indirectly) teaching these bad people that Soke warned about.

If you feel the need to share so much, then go to other dojos and share that way.

As for recording classes at the hombu, there has been a definate crack ddown on that recently! I only know of two shihan that may allow filming, depending on their moods, and I am sure they would not be pleased to find their classes on the internet.
Sharing is caring???

The trouble with posting videos like this on the net is that it enables "dodgy" instructors and fakes to copy something aproximating real Bujinkan techniques.

Soke has said many times we are not to teach "bad people", you post a video clip on the net, the world can see it. You can be (indirectly) teaching these bad people that Soke warned about.

If you feel the need to share so much, then go to other dojos and share that way.

As for recording classes at the hombu, there has been a definate crack ddown on that recently! I only know of two shihan that may allow filming, depending on their moods, and I am sure they would not be pleased to find their classes on the internet.

I understand your point and have had several conversation's with various Shihan regarding the matter and not one were really bothered by it. After all each of them was selling their own video footage in some way as an aid.

If someone wants to copy Bujinkan techniques then they only need to go and buy some of the hundreds of Bujinkan related DVD's available. Still we both know that they will not get very far.
Still having said that Macfion we are really happy to have you here as you bring a perspective of living in Japan that is much appreciated. Please introduce yourself to the board at large at the meet and greet when you get a chance.
I understand your point and have had several conversation's with various Shihan regarding the matter and not one were really bothered by it. After all each of them was selling their own video footage in some way as an aid.

Japanese Shihan selling their footage? Sorry if I don't believe you....

You are speaking about foreign "Shihan", correct?

Japanese Shihan selling their footage? Sorry if I don't believe you....

You are speaking about foreign "Shihan", correct?


You are correct in general there Ben. If you pm me I can give you alot of further details. All of my conversations have been however with foreign Shihan.