Bryan Hawkins


Master Black Belt
Jan 10, 2007
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Greetings and Salutations!

I am new to Kenpo. There's a studio that is relatively close being run by Bryan Hawkins. Does anyone know him or met him? I am looking for a good teacher with sincere students who wish to learn.

Thank you in advance,
Welcome to MartialTalk, Hawke!

Could you please post a website for the school? Do you know anything about Mr. Hawkins....who he trained under, etc?
Welcome Hawke sorry I'm not Kenpo but that I would say hello and welcome
Hi Carol,

Thank you for the welcome.

He's website is:

This is the info I got from his website:

Bryan Hawkins, Director of United Kenpo Systems™, was privileged and honored to learn as one of the many protégés taught by the Senior Grandmaster. Mr. Hawkins was the former Manager and Chief Instructor of Ed Parker’s Kenpo Studio of West Los Angeles, California, and as a long-time private student of Mr. Parker’s, Mr. Hawkins is considered to be one of the foremost authorities of American Kenpo in the world today. He was the Kenpo technical advisor with Mr. Parker for the film “The Perfect Weapon” and has served in the same capacity on numerous television projects and other theatrical releases. Mr. Hawkins owns and operates the internationally-known Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate Studios in West Los Angeles and Granada Hills, California.

I am currently looking for a martial art as a life study. There is so much to chose from. I love living in the USA!

PS. Hello Terry. Thank you for the welcome.
There is indeed quite a bit to choose from and SoCal probably has more Kenpo diversity than any other part of the country.

I have to admit I didn't know that much about Bryan Hawkins. I did some googling on him, he trained under SGM Parker for 11 years and was promoted to 3rd black when he started managing Mr. Parker's school.

He's certainly qualified to teach...although personally I'd be curious to know what he's done (in terms of his own training) in the last 15 years since Mr. Parker's passing.

Definitely sounds like it's worth meeting the fellow and checking out the school and seeing if you like it. :)
I have received some very positive recommendation on Bryan Hawkins. I already did a free class. I like how kenpo expains the moves. The "why" of each move I did was explained with the "how" to execute the moves.

Mr. Bryan Hawkins and his staff are very nice and knowledgeable. My classmates are easy to get along with and friendly. I think I may have found a new martial art home. =P

In my limited experience with Mr. Hawkins, I've noticed that he treats his students very well and is a good family man.
Don't know much about GM Ed Parker's style of students, but welcome to martial talk
Mr. Hawkins is very good at what he does. The greater LA area is essentially the Kenpo Mecca, so there are TONS of options to learn Kenpo.

The IKCA is headquartered in Seal Beach and Buena Park.

Dr. Chap'el is headquartered in Torrance.

Bob White is in Costa Mesa.

Larry Tatum is in Pasadena.

And the list goes on, and on, and on, and on. :)