Master Black Belt
Ok, so this is a thread I posted just in the WC section but as I do most of my reading under the Japanese arts, I thought maybe I should post it here to see if there are any views (I know Bruce mainly went around kicking karateka butt in the flicks so not exactly a "Karate" forum post but what the hey):
Ok, so I of course look on the late, great Bruce Lee with absolute reverence. When I was much younger I continually watched his movies, sought all interviews and footage on him and (re)read his books.
I don't mean this to be exactly like a "could the incredible hulk beat superman in an armwrestle?" but a long time ago I asked one of my trainers what he thought of Bruce as a fighter. He said that as a skilled martial artist he was second to none but that he could not honestly comment on his ability purely as a fighter and as to how he may have fared in competiton - he felt there just was not enough footage or documented evidence to Bruce's actual fight time.
I have often wondered how Bruce would fare in modern day mixed martial arts competitions - Bruce having no concern on the philosophy of mixing those workable components of many different styles and forms. He always stated he feared no man but would his speed and pure physial prowess enable him to fight and defeat the type of very large modern athlete fighters we have today. Or would he find himself being steamrolled? I am not talking about in the street opf course, as then I would almost defintely go for Bruce, but does anyone have thoughts on how he might do in mma or UFC type tournaments? Or again just "pure" competitions, is there the like of him out there these days?
Yeah, this is all hypothetical, what-if stuff but I don't see it as pure baloney.
Ok, so I of course look on the late, great Bruce Lee with absolute reverence. When I was much younger I continually watched his movies, sought all interviews and footage on him and (re)read his books.
I don't mean this to be exactly like a "could the incredible hulk beat superman in an armwrestle?" but a long time ago I asked one of my trainers what he thought of Bruce as a fighter. He said that as a skilled martial artist he was second to none but that he could not honestly comment on his ability purely as a fighter and as to how he may have fared in competiton - he felt there just was not enough footage or documented evidence to Bruce's actual fight time.
I have often wondered how Bruce would fare in modern day mixed martial arts competitions - Bruce having no concern on the philosophy of mixing those workable components of many different styles and forms. He always stated he feared no man but would his speed and pure physial prowess enable him to fight and defeat the type of very large modern athlete fighters we have today. Or would he find himself being steamrolled? I am not talking about in the street opf course, as then I would almost defintely go for Bruce, but does anyone have thoughts on how he might do in mma or UFC type tournaments? Or again just "pure" competitions, is there the like of him out there these days?
Yeah, this is all hypothetical, what-if stuff but I don't see it as pure baloney.