
All I'm hearing right now is: "Acid base abnormalities, what do you think here? We'll get more into this as well, especially when we get into chronic renal failure, but what could happen here? Anybody know?"
Once we have heat here, I will bring the extra two heaters I bought to the studio. If anyone other than me touches them, I will break out the white wax wood on them.
Ok I won't bother telling you that I am in a polo shirt complaining about the air conditioning right now. However I have been following this post and I have a question. Do they not build houses that supply enough heat or are you just trying to conserve electricity by using oil? I don't understand.


P.S. Before anyone ask no I don't what to take a trip to some cold AZZ place.

Originally posted by edhead2000
Guys shouldn't think.........gets them into trouble.


Did You amd Nightingale pay the heating bill here? I got teh distinct feeling that it just got colder :confused:

Hmmmm :shrug:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Did You amd Nightingale pay the heating bill here? I got teh distinct feeling that it just got colder :confused:

Hmmmm :shrug:

I know I pay the heat bill around here!

And Rick, mine's gas heat.
Rich.. hahaa.. Nah.. I deny paying it.. I am hoarding our pittance for some funky emoticons ;)

Rick... we have a huge oil tank for the furnace.. but the issue is.. Oil is $$ and we live in a 150 yr old brick house.. which probably has the same insulation in it that it was built with.. meaning Nothing~!! soooo we had 200 gallons a few weeks ago but with subzero temps.. the furnace runs 24/7 and sucks up that fuel fast.. the Fuel company didn't have enough trucks to deliver to people ... so we've been living all bundled up as the temps have varied from below zero to 40's for the last week.. til the delivery supposedly tomorrow can occur..

Hope that answers you~! Rub it in how warm it is.. uh huh.. rub it in.. ~!!

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