
Originally posted by Quick Sand
Where I am it's -4 F right now with a windchill of -20 F. :anic: (That's not shaking from fear, it's shivering from cold.)

I hate cold weather. :soapbox:

Yep. Chicago was -1 with a winchill factor of -18 tuesday night.
Originally posted by Chronuss frightens me that you've thought about this.. :confused:

naw, didn't really think about it. those lil buggers get quite hot, so sticking them between layers helps keep them warm but not burning.

...anyway, do i ever think at all?
-2 at the moment and thats without wind chill.
Wish I could remember where I put my thermos
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Kaith, what in Arda are you saying? By the Valar...*wanders off grumbling*

Poor Rusty.... Look in the "Elf" thread for a translation.

I'm just looking forward to tomorow. Supposed to be a warm balmy 88' F. I may have to break out the shorts and do some training outside. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I'm just looking forward to tomorow. Supposed to be a warm balmy 88' F. I may have to break out the shorts and do some training outside. :)

Oh hush! Meanwhile, it's cold for the rest of us :(
here in buffalo it is snowing...naturally... and the actual temp Saturday will be -2 not including the wind chill. It is something below now with the wind chill. I freeze just taking the dog for a walk. He loves it. till he gets cold then he is ready to head back to the house.
Hey, I'm in Buffalo too. Its just that I'm in "South" Buffalo, where it's always warm n sunny. :D

(ok, truth be known, I live in the State of DeNial. :D)
Originally posted by Chronuss
it's starting to friggin' snow here....grrr...:ticked:

Glad I won't have the rice-burner! Damn thing skids on dry pavement...but then again, i was turning, and there was a deep pothole...damnit, Delaware...PAVE YER ROADS! *grumbles*
Originally posted by 2fisted
All I can say is I HATE winter. I want to live somewhere where I can wear hawaiian shirts and shorts every single day for the rest of my life.:soapbox:
Just don't wear black socks with your sandals.

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