
The last two mornings up here in the North, we have had -30 temps and -60 windchills. I think there is a level of hell that corresponds to this. It's so cold that if you go outside for 60 seconds to attempt to start your car, you can't feel your hands. It's so cold that we have water mains bursting all over the city turning entire blocks into skating rinks. And this is despite the fact that the two days before we just got 25 inches of snow!

Its -10 right now. The temp will climb up to 9 or 10 by the afternoon. Kids will come out for the first time in days. We're having a heat wave!
Originally posted by Technopunk
It was Negative 9 this morning... -30 with the windchill... Brrrrrr

While watching the weather channel last night they had said Chicago will get the coldest winter it's had in many years. All I can say is you can keep it.

It was 2 degrees with a wind chill of -18 this morning when I got up. Heather was going scrapbooking today and I loaded up the van with all of her stuff. I almost froze my **** off going back and forth.:mad:
it was 40 degrees this mornin..... I had to put on a shirt..... man ........ burrrrrrr come on summer..... I hope it gets a little warmer..... should be 80 today
(ohhhhh just had a chill run down my back)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
it was 40 degrees this mornin..... I had to put on a shirt..... man ........ burrrrrrr come on summer..... I hope it gets a little warmer..... should be 80 today
(ohhhhh just had a chill run down my back)

The chill was just a normal ole scorpion! Check the Fruit of The Looms!:eek:
Originally posted by arnisador
Heh, let's visit you-know-who in Phoenix! Does your house sleep 2289 people?

Well, let's see, it has a pool, hot tub, spacious back yard, tree house, massive sofas to lay down on, lots of munchies, and a cady to go cruising in! Why not!:cool:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Well, let's see, it has a pool, hot tub, spacious back yard, tree house, massive sofas to lay down on, lots of munchies, and a cady to go cruising in! Why not!:cool:

Miss me don't you.......!!

The weather this past week has been aweful here too. It's been really cold and it's snowed a fair bit. My instructor gave us only one week notice and he went off to Cuba for two weeks. The next closest instructors live a 1 1/2 hour drive away and with this weather they couldn't come up. :( We have a brown belt that taught the last 4 classes. Hopefully a black belt instructor will be able to come up next week.
Snow in a plastic bag works as a cheap ice pack when you have none at the studio! *grin*
Originally posted by arnisador
Heh. I don't want to go out there--I could slip on the ice!

yeah...a thin covering of snow is the only thing keeping me from falling on the ice in the driveway...

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