Breed Specific Legislation


Purple Belt
Who else thinks Breed Specific Legislation or BSL is, well, B.S. I think it's plain retarded to tell people they cannot own specific dog breeds (i.e. pitbulls) because of preconceived notions.

Yes, I am aware of the statistic that Pit Bulls are responsible for their share of dog attacks. But if anything else it speaks that owners should take more responsibility ESPECIALLY if they own dogs like pit bulls, rotweillers or shepherds (I own a Belgian Malinois myself). Banning the ownership of a breed is not the answer. Educate people about owning dogs like Pit Bulls, not ban them.

On a side-note I've known plenty of pit bull owners and pits over the years. They are about the most loving, affectionate, eager to please animals on the planet (well, next to my dog of course). And another little known fact is that Pit Bulls are not naturally aggressive towards people. Pit bulls were originally bred from the English Bullenbieser and Terrier types to create a K9 gladiator. In dog fighting the dog must be handled in the heat of battle, and a dog that bit its owner would be instantly culled. That being said, pitbulls are eager to please and they are naturally dog aggressive.

I just find it irritating that people have blatantly incorrect preconceived notions about various dog breeds. I was walking my dog, Ninja, down the street. In front of me was a young lady walking a dachshund. We passed this old couple and they coddled and adored this dachsie that ran up to them like no one's business.

When they saw me and my dog they shied off. Mine greeted them with his characteristic ears down and wagging tail with his cute/submit to you look and they said "Is he gonna attack us?"

I said, "No, he's very affectionate."

They weren't convinced and just walked on in their ignorance. It irritates me that people can be so predisposed to thinking the worst of different dog breeds. I mean Ninja wasn't doing anything that could be remotely conceived as threatening. He was just panting, looking up, in his usual 'please pet me' look.

Well. I guess Canis Familiaris isn't everyone's best friend. But he sure as hell is mine...
The roots of the problem are frenzied media types, hysterical politicians looking to BAN yet another thing.... and sadly, some of our fellow dog owners.

I've run repeatedly into spineless weaklings who turned into big tough men only when they had a ferocious dog with them. Who made an otherwise good dog mean? Take a guess...
Good point, grydth.

I don't subscribe to the overly optimistic theory that "there are no bad dogs, only bad owners", as, just as with people, some are born bad. However, the majority of those dogs that are aggressive in the wrong context have been made that way.

Oh and nice dog LoneRider:


Only tangentially related, we are considering getting one of these loveable giants:


Does anyone have any personal experiences of Bernese Mountain Dogs?
While I don't think breed-specific legislation is right, I don't really buy the idea that certain breeds are not more prone to poor dispositions or violent behavior than others. Hearing numerous stories from a friend who was an animal control officer just enforces my opinion that many years of selectively breeding for aggression in certain breeds is going to have an effect.

Only tangentially related, we are considering getting one of these loveable giants:


Does anyone have any personal experiences of Bernese Mountain Dogs?
Beautiful dogs...I've never owned one but every one I've ever interacted with has been a sweetheart.
Who else thinks Breed Specific Legislation or BSL is, well, B.S. I think it's plain retarded to tell people they cannot own specific dog breeds (i.e. pitbulls) because of preconceived notions.


[Mr. Horse from Ren & Stimpy] Hmmmmm............No sir, I don't like it![/Mr. Horse from Ren & Stimpy]
The roots of the problem are frenzied media types, hysterical politicians looking to BAN yet another thing.... and sadly, some of our fellow dog owners.

I've run repeatedly into spineless weaklings who turned into big tough men only when they had a ferocious dog with them. Who made an otherwise good dog mean? Take a guess...

That sound you can hear is you hitting the nail squarely on the head my friend.
Only tangentially related, we are considering getting one of these loveable giants:


Does anyone have any personal experiences of Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Doesn't elder have one of these dogs? If he doesn't see this thread, you may want to shoot him a PM and ask him, I could be mistaking what breed he has.

Back to the topic:
I don't agree with B.S.L. At the most, I could support requiring owners of certain breeds take their dog through at least a basic obedience training course. Dogs with temperment problems not caused by their owners, are likely products of poor breeding. People need to choose a breeder carefully or get a mutt. :)

My sister has a Pit and a Rotty. Both wonderful dogs and the biggest sweethearts you'll ever see.
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Until you can get low income and drug dealing people to stop dog fighting people are going to keep breeding those aggressive characteristics into these animals. Granted not every Pit Bull I've encountered has been ferocious or even aggressive but inherently they cannot be trusted. The dogs used for fighting have a long genetic line of fighters and it would take a while to breed it out. But it can't be bred out if they're being trained to and thrown into pits to fight.
BSL I also agree isn't the answer, go after the ones who stage and train the dogs to fight in basements and back yards and where-ever. Breed those guys out of our gene pool and maybe we can save the dogs.
Until then...

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