Breathing in fast punches

When working with a partner in an exchange or sparing, do you typically unload 10 or more consecutive chain punches?

I was taught to go continuously myself ...but honestly, I find that five shots is pushing it -if my partner is resisting. Combos of three and then a moment's reset are more typical.

One of the WT guys I've had the opportunity to train with told me instead of just an onslaught of continuous punching, it's better to throw them in 3 shot bursts.
I just came home from my 3 miles running. During my running, I'm still doing my

- 1st step inhale 1/2, 2nd step inhale 1/2.
- 3rd step exhale 1/2, 4th step exhale 1/2.

I try to do 3 steps and it won't work for me. In other words, I'm in a special breathing pattern which I don't consider as "natural breathing" at all.

Am I the only person who doesn't understand what "natural breathing" is?
Combinations of 3s, 5s, or 7s max. Unless you have the other guy completely overwhelmed then don't stop until finished.
This is the "3 steps 8 moves combo" that I had stolen from the preying mantis master Brenda Lai when he taught to his advance student. It's very similar to the WC chain punches training.

Every time when I do this drill, my breath pattern is always the same (not breath anyway that I like).

I know, right. Their face starts looking like a tomato. That’s when we usually stop them and ask them what they have against breathing.
One of my favorite things to tell newbie students, "What happens if you don't breath? You Die." Usually helps them get the point.
One of the WT guys I've had the opportunity to train with told me instead of just an onslaught of continuous punching, it's better to throw them in 3 shot bursts.

Well ya know, I didn't think up this stuff myself either. Maybe heard it from Emin? Can't remember. Gettin' old is a biatch!
Breathing is natural but we see it taught in many different sports as they try to maximize breathing for a specific activity.

Yes it is natural, but it is not just to maximise breathing for a specific activity, it can be used to control fear and other emotions, release tension in specific parts of the body or all the body. It does far more than oxygenate the body.
Do you feel that you can generate more punching power when you exhale 4/8 than when you exhale 1/8?

For example, if you throw 3 punches by exhaling

- 1st punch 1/8,
- 2nd punch 2/8,
- 3rd punch 3/8 (reserve 2/8 lung capacity)

For your punching power , 3 > 1 > 1.

IMO, to reserve some lung capacity (such as 2/8) is better than to let your lung be complete empty.

We agree with each other on this.

Am not 100% sure, but it certainly feels more powerful on that last technique! I think that might have been the idea why we did it, the other techniques were to setup for that final one. Not all the time but alot of the time, might be a karate 'finishing technique' sorta idea.

And actually I think you're right, I don't think we FULLY expelled all air from the lungs, now that I ponder it I think there was a tad bit left!
Talking of fast punches, found this video of a 9 year old Russian girl, from a well known boxing family, I think soon she will have 5 punch combo in a second. Watch out future mma or women boxers in the future.

Talking of fast punches, found this video of a 9 year old Russian girl, from a well known boxing family, I think soon she will have 5 punch combo in a second. Watch out future mma or women boxers in the future.

That would have been awesome,,,,, without the tree. That took the believability scale down to zero.
This clip also shows 1 step 4 punches (same as Bruce Lee's clip).

I have not be able to find 1 step 5 punches yet.

1 step 3 punches is the most common.

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That would have been awesome,,,,, without the tree. That took the believability scale down to zero.

I agree, but that needs to be put into context, the region they train in is an isolated one, where temperature can drop quickly and vastly. The trees would have been caught by a Sharpe freeze, and would have been dead for a while, which is why there was so much dust, and you or I could have felled the tree after a good round of beans on toast, but the speed of the young girl, the part in the ring with the continuous fast punches, 221, I think it was in 1 minute, she is atempting to use a breathing technique the Russians call Lyegkoye, I'm sure other arts have another name for it, but it's the process of smooth continuous breath, even under strain, I mentioned before the excercise of doing 5 push ups whilst breathing in once, then with no rest 5 whilst holding the breath, 5 on 1 exhale, then 5 on an empty hold.once mastered you should be able to do 20 push ups in 1 breath cycle that is smooth.
Hmmm...I gave this some thought and I was not really sure how I did my breath control when throwing multiple punches. After a bit of investigation I figured out that if I threw 5 punches (in one second? get real) I exhaled only one breath. I'm the noisy sort and tend to kiai! (sp?) even in aikido and about everything else. If I performed more than 5 punches, say 10-20, I'd have to quickly take at least one more breath at some point during the barrage.
I figured out that if I threw 5 punches (in one second? get real)
I have put up 2 clips that shows 4 punches within 1 second.

Bruce Lee 'Outside' clip Enter the Dragon (Slo-Mo)

In the following clip starting from 0.2 - 0.9 (8 seconds), he did 8 moves combo 4 times. 8 x 4 / 8 = 4. So 1 second 4 strikes is possible.

Of course for each punch to have full punching path may be hard. Most people may do in 1/2 path or even 1/3 path.

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if I threw 5 punches (in one second? get real) .
I just find this clip. In the following clip, he jumps up in the air and finishes 5 moves combo.

1. Right punch.
2. Left downward block.
3. Right back fist (with back palm).
4. Left upward block.
5. Right uppercut (with wrist).

before landing back down on his feet.

I believe no matter who does this, he cannot jump up and stay in the air for more than 1 second.

Of course both downward block and upward block can be replaced by punches as well.

Within 10 second clip, this combo has been repeated 6 times. If we don't count for the time after feet landing, this clip can proof that 5 punches within 1 second is possible.

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