Breaking the Second Board


White Belt
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Before getting on with my question, I would like to say hi to all, I'm new here, and I hope we all get along well.

I want to have someone hold 2 boards, but when I punch them, I break only the second one. I want to know how to get started, what is the technique, and hopefully, I'll get better. Who knows, maybe after a couple of years I could do the same with 5?

Thank you for reading this.
Hello, IF you believe you can! will break them!

It all starts in Instructor has already show you the techniques. Proper stance, a balance body...

It is not the fist that does the is the whole this futher..same for all other strikes, kicking...

Torque .....before the fist moves....from the feet up..the body is turning...etc

Believe and you can..............Aloha,

PS: best for us was three....Our sensi does 5 (NO spacing)
I've tried that, though.

When I punch, instead of just the back one breaking, they both break.
Before getting on with my question, I would like to say hi to all, I'm new here, and I hope we all get along well.

I want to have someone hold 2 boards, but when I punch them, I break only the second one. I want to know how to get started, what is the technique, and hopefully, I'll get better. Who knows, maybe after a couple of years I could do the same with 5?

Thank you for reading this.

You want to break only the back board on purpose? That's a focus issue - you have to hit the front board very precisely so that the power of your punch breaks only the back board. It requires a great deal of practice - and even then, irregularities in boards will make it difficult to do consistently. If you have access to them, I'd start with rebreakables, because it will take one of the variables out - they are all the same. Once you can break the back board of a pair of rebreakables consistently, return to wood. If you don't get the outcome you want, change one variable at a time - or you won't be able to replicate your results.
Ah, I see. I'll ask my instructer if I could borrow/buy their re breakables.
Don't know that I have ever tried to do this, but often when students mistakenly break only the back board it is because they aren't following through with their technique. Maybe try to stop yourself at the front board. But make sure to also break going through them both so you know when to use what skill. You don't want to develop a bad habit of always stopping in front of the break.