kik said:I think everyone here has given a lot of valuable advice to take into consideration. But I do have one small question for everyone. When I went for my 1st Dan I was asked to do an immediate side kick on 2 1" pine boards and then to do a front roll and a hammer fist on a 2' patio block. Then on my 2nd Dan I was asked to do a front punch through 4 1" pine boards and then go into a horse stance and punch down through 2 full cinder blocks, So my question is How come I wasnt asked to do any breaking for my 3rd Dan? Is it because I already proved that I can perform the techniques?
Thanks for any replies.
Various schools and orgs demand different things at the various levels we go through. IMHO, your punch through 4-1" boards is a more than I would ask, as it is truly hard on your knuckles and may cause later problems. This is especially so if the next break is a punch trough two cement blocks. IMHO this is asking a lot from (I assume) the same hand.
IMHO, breaks of three or more boards (or two or more 2" bricks without spacers) should be done with the appropriate tools that can handle that impact safely and without long term damage.
Conditioning (repeated impact with solid objects) is similarly hard on the hands. In fact, it is not even necessary if the right tools are chosen to break things (or defend yourself). Age and gender also has to be considered, because of Osteo problems that may be more prevalent for some groups. Considering one can get repetitive stress problems from banging away at a keyboard, hitting the makkiwara to condition hands is not a wise choice if you wish to avoid arthritis etc.
On the other hand, even at age 65, I can still break three cement blocks without spacers using a heavy hand palm strike. I stopped breaking with fingertips and thumbs long before that, because I could feel the stress was more than my body appreciated

To answer your question. Perhaps your instructors felt you might sustain injury for any of the reasons I mentioned, perhaps there is no further breaking required after 2nd dahn, it could be a number of reasons. Best way to get the right answer is to ask your Master.