Breaking ideas


Senior Master
In preparation for my 2nd dan test, I need to do some breaking. I'm required to do a hammer fist through 2-2"concrete blocks, flyign front hook kick through 2 boards (speed), Jumnping reverse roundhosue thourgh 2 boards (speed) and 3 elective breaks. I know I'm goign to Attempt a 3" punch thoruigh 3 boards. Not sure what to do with the other 2 breaks that I haven't done before and might push my capabilities...maybe even look cool :)

WHat are some cool breaks you folks know or have seen?

Breaking the top portion of a bottle is way cool or even lighting some concrete tiles on fire before the break.
The most impressive break I've ever seen was from a gentleman doing his demonstration break for his VII Dan - he broke a board with a fingertip strike. However, that one takes an incredible amount of preparation - and I'm not sure that's really where you want to go; miss that break and you'll break all your fingers.

Some other impressive breaks I've seen:

5+ boards with a side kick, starting 1" from the surface of the front board - it sounds easy, but without the momentum of full kick, it's much harder than it sounds

Breaking with a block rather than a strike - one of the BBs I know broke with low block, inner forearm block, and rising block as part of his V Dan test

Breaking a baseball bat with your shin (requires lots of forging beforehand - those bats are hard

Breaking 2 targets at the same time - for my IV Dan test, I broke 1 cement roofing tile with each hand at the same time

Standing or jumping consecutive techniques - break multiple targets with consecutive techniques - for example, jump front kick then turning (roundhouse) kick with the same leg, both before landing

Multiple target consecutive kicks - standing kicks, performed in sequence, without putting the foot down between kicks, and without stopping - can also include a hand technique

Combination jump techniques - break in two different directions simultaneously while in the air

I hope this gives you some ideas.
Well, the coolest break I've ever seen is the one at 1:10 in this video:

I've done it successfully with one board. I highly reccommend that no one try this without really conditioning your fingertips.....a lot!
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Well, the coolest break I've ever seen is the one at 1:10 in this video:

I've done it successfully with one board. I highly reccommend that no one try this without really conditioning your fingertips.....a lot!
That's the fingertip thrust I was talking about... I wonder if he could do anything close to that without the spacers? I'm not trying to start a fight or a discussion of spacers - that's been done to death, I think - but it does make the break less difficult (not easy, just less hard, in the case of this particular break) to have spacers between the boards, and those boards looked to be about half the thickness of the ones we use. I'm not in any way saying that wasn't an impressive break - it was - but thinner boards and spacers change what is possible.
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In preparation for my 2nd dan test, I need to do some breaking. I'm required to do a hammer fist through 2-2"concrete blocks, flyign front hook kick through 2 boards (speed), Jumnping reverse roundhosue thourgh 2 boards (speed) and 3 elective breaks. I know I'm goign to Attempt a 3" punch thoruigh 3 boards. Not sure what to do with the other 2 breaks that I haven't done before and might push my capabilities...maybe even look cool :)

WHat are some cool breaks you folks know or have seen?

You have had some good advice so far, so I will just say congratulation on testing, and good luck.
Can't do teh finger tip break...taht's our required 3rd dan break...another studenht tried to dfo that at a test and was told not to.

I'll look through tthe otehr idea...thanks!

How about a Blind folder break with a jumping kick, that would add something new to the mix.
I like Terry's idea. Blindfolded breaks are excellent!

I wasn't serious about the spearhand. Like I said, I've done it & don't reccommend it.

All my best to you on this!
I like the idea of a blind folded break as well. Show's skill with just a littel flash :)

YouTube is disabled at work, so I'll have to look at the vids later...but will do so.

I really apprecaite all the suggestions. THis gives me some good ideas to play with and plenty of time to play with them and perfect them.


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