breaking bones

  • Thread starter Thread starter Loren W. Christensen
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I broke my little toe from a judo throw. I jumped over a tai-otoshi, but my partner kept driving. I landed on my little toe and it broke.

It is very hard getting on public transport with crutches.
Well...unfortuneately I have two stories to add and they both occured within the last week and a half. In one I performed a kote gaeshi and my partner didn't fall quite fast enough with it. We both heard a pop and she (yes, I was beating up on a girl) almost immediately lost most of the mobility in her wrist. She went to the doctor and they finally determined it was broken but something had seperated, never got the full details, either way she's wearing a brace for a few weeks.

Second, was just last night in judo we were working on a variation of morote seoi nage where you hold onto the oppenents wrists instead of their gi and as my partner was throwing me he lost his balance and stumbled forward and proceeded to wrench on my right arm. I don't remember hearing any noise but there was a pretty sickening feel of my shoulder coming out and popping back in real quick. My instructor worked on it for a bit and I iced it for a while but I could still barely pick up my shampoo bottle when I was showering after class. Today the mobility is a lot better. If it continues to improve at this rate I think I'll be fine, but if it doesn't get any better I'll probably have to visit the doc.

If you want a better description of either the actual techniques or situations I could try to give them or a maybe take a couple pics of what we were doing...
bignick said:
Well...unfortuneately I have two stories to add and they both occured within the last week and a half. In one I performed a kote gaeshi and my partner didn't fall quite fast enough with it. We both heard a pop and she (yes, I was beating up on a girl) almost immediately lost most of the mobility in her wrist. She went to the doctor and they finally determined it was broken but something had seperated, never got the full details, either way she's wearing a brace for a few weeks.QUOTE]

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the info. I'm familiar with kote gaeshi. Do you recall if you snapped it on hard? Do you think the injury was a result of her not going with the throw so all the energy went into the joint?

Hope your arm gets better.


It was not put on hard at was just as I was letting go of her hand something that it happened. She went with the throw or takedown as it may be, but I think that right before I let go she started to come back in the opposite direction so just as I was letting go her weight forced the lock on her wrist even tighter. I'm sure that if I hadn't been letting go her wrist would have been broken.
Recieved: (1) Broken nose from sparring, blocked his punch with my face, (1) Broken toe while kicking someones cup while sparring, fractured ribs both sides during normal training, chipped sternum/breast plate during normal training session (ground-n-pound).

Given: Broken ulna (stick fighting), fractured ribs (ground-n-pound), 1 broken finger (knife dissarm), 1 broken toe (grappling).

Lesson learned... Better to give than receive. Oh, and dont block with your face (learned that one at age 14).