Black Belt
Has anyone seen this? Its on one of the cable channels here in N.East Ohio. When I first watched a couple episodes. I really felt sorry for the guy. After watching a couple more. I think he really may need serious help! It may all be for the camera, and I hope that it is, but even then some of the things he says to his little boy. All I can do is wince. His daughter is pretty young too, and some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth,wow... Does anyone know what I am talking about? Being a dad of boys, and girls myself. I just wonder why a parent would teach, or even permit their babies to act like that. One thing comes to mind,"what would it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" Presuming he is allowing all of this for a fat paycheck? 20-30 years ago someone would have probably been arrested for behaving around kids like this. I really don't know the man's heart, but it really is disturbing. Anyone out there have a thought or 2 on this?