Braveheart or witness


Lifetime Supporting Member
I was thinking about which movie would best demonstrate the new fault line in the republican party between the tea party and the intellectual, beltway republicans. I think that Brave heart and the movie Witness fit the bill.

Braveheart, the Enlish would be the democrats, of course, and the Scottish nobles would be the intellectual, conservative, beltway republicans. Rush, or Reagan, or Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter, Hannity, or Mark Levine would be the William Wallace Character.

The movie Witness, about the New York Detective hiding among the Amish, also fits the bill. Strangely, if you go to youtube, some silly person tries to equate the people abusing the Amish guy (the german terrorist from Die Hard) with Sarah Palin, and the Amish with Democrats. This is a silly thing because Sarah Palin actually respects people who are committedly religous. For those who haven't seen the movie, there is a scene where some goons start to pick on this Amish guy. Harrison Ford sees this and, also dressed as an Amish guy, goes and intervenes. It is a great scene. The goons doen't realize that Harrison ford is a hard nosed New York detective, so when they knock off Harrison Fords straw hat, he pounds them to the ground. For my argument, the Amish would represent the intellectual, beltway conservative republicans, the goons picking on the Amish would be the democrats, and Harrison Ford would be the tea party.

I hope this is at least an interesting visual aid to show the differences in the republican party. I will try to find the appropriate youtube videos.
I'm totally with you on this analogy; because when the Tea Party... I mean Harrison Ford beat those guys up, it totally blew his cover and brought mayhem to the Republicans... I mean the Amish.
I can't find a clean scene from either movie. For Brave heart it would be the negotiation scene where the Intellectual conservative republicans, represented by the scottish nobles simply want to go out and negotiate terms of surrender with the democrats, represented by the english. Then, william wallace goes out and calls the english for what they are and doesn't back down, as represented by Rush, Ann, hannity, levine, and Sarah.

Witness, in the scene the democrats, represented by the goons are, teasing the amish guy, the intellectual conservative beltway republican, sits there and takes it, standing on the principal of non-confrontation. When Harrison ford gets out of his horse carriage to deal with the problem, The amish elder, representing George Will, Krauthammer and the like, tells Ford, "Leave it alone, it is not our way to interfere." Harrison Ford says, "But it's my way." He then goes out and deals with the bullies.

The intellectual, beltway conservatives are not winning the fight. They are too willing to go along to get along with the democrats, and they look down on the Tea Party. The movies above show this interaction quite well.
And which Republican would depict the part of the movie where the "Intellectual conservative republicans, represented by the scottish nobles" betray William Wallace to line their own pockets?

You do remember that, with the exception of perhaps Robert the Bruce, Wallace and his friends couldn't stand the nobles because of their greed and cowardice.

To quote another movie, "The Hunt for Red October", your comments on this thread remind me of the line by Captain Ramius to to John Ryan:

"I've read this book. Your conclusions are all wrong."
I was thinking about which movie would best demonstrate the new fault line in the republican party between the tea party and the intellectual, beltway republicans. I think that Brave heart and the movie Witness fit the bill.\.

Just to change things up a little, here's an Obama with a pancake on his head :lfao:
(I still don't know what you're talking about!! :lfao: )


I dont know what Bill is talking about either. I don't see the democrats being like the english in braveheart....
The beltway republicans are now in the process of backing out of their promises on spending cuts. much like the scottish nobles in Braveheart, who used the gathering army of common scotts in the hopes of gaining nothing more than new lands and titles, and then leaving the field, the tea party helped give the republicans one of the biggest victories against the democrats in 70years. Now that the beltway republicans have their majority leader and committee chairmanships and control over the house, they are ready to quit the field and go along to get along. That is how the sitiuation is like the movie Brave heart.
Braveheart, the Enlish would be the democrats, of course, and the Scottish nobles would be the intellectual, conservative, beltway republicans. Rush, or Reagan, or Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter, Hannity, or Mark Levine would be the William Wallace Character.

William was was an educated person.
By virtue of that, Sarah Palin is automatically disqualified.

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