boyfriend lying about his purple belt..

Yup shows up on monday and 3.5 hours later reads the response, post and never post again...and based on the responses she probably dumped the guy...who then spiraled into depression and alcoholism.... lost his home, and job... had to resort to living in his car...until he was beaten, robbed AND has his car stolen.....and while lying there all the while wished he had not lied about the purple belt and dreaming of what COULD have been......that and it could have come in handy saving his car......... but alas took up a life of caught stealing candy from babies and eating directly out of the buffet...... then thrown in jail and is now spending 3 to 5 in san quentin state prison...where he will get into weight lifting and BJJ..... the irony
So in 10 years when I resurrect this thread, he should be out and training again.

Also, In prison, I think BJJ is referred to as combat cuddling.
So in 10 years when I resurrect this thread, he should be out and training again.

Also, In prison, I think BJJ is referred to as combat cuddling.

Yes, and he should be a blackbelt in Combat Cuddling by well as built like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger .....
I just watched the video, and want to point out that he might not be lying. There's two things I can see (one I've actually seen), that would cause him to be bad while not lying about his belt, which would also explain the defensiveness.

There are some schools that add BJJ to their curriculum, despite the instructor not actually knowing it/knowing it well. So a TKD or WC school can claim to also teach BJJ, teach it really badly, but also rank people in it. And don't get found out as long as they don't have open mats or go to tournaments. In that case, he wouldn't be lying, he would have just been duped. And he wouldn't want to tell you his instructor if he realized it at some point and is embarrassed he got duped.

The second thing is there are sites that teach online, and give rank out. The most well known only gives online rank to blue belt, but I would be very surprised if there were not ones that give up to purple or higher as well, in BJJ. So he could have gotten his rank without ever actually rolling. That would explain why he claimed to be a purple belt, but felt uncomfortable rolling, and got defensive about his instructors (he'd have to admit it was all online).

It's also entirely possible he lied for any number of stupid reasons-to brag, he wanted to have something in common with you, his friends told him to, he likes lying, etc. But that's not the only plausible reason. The only way you'll know is by talking with him about it, not asking on a forum.

And if you genuinely want the answer, ask in a way that doesn't make him feel attacked. Which I'm going to go off on a limb and claim wasn't the case here, if you kept pressuring him to roll, had other people watch your roll to test him out, took a video of it, and then started posting the video here. Which, regardless of whether he got a rank he shouldn't have, or was just lying early on and got stuck in the lie, would make some prideful/stubborn people double down in response.
Just to keep a dying thread going.....

That had crossed my mind as well. Many times, even if someone DID take some training from a long time ago they may still make mistakes because they just showed up and did it for fun etc.

For example, many people say that they took, "karate" and when you ask them what kind they may not know the particular style because it was advertised under a generic name like "Joe's Karate Studio".

Along with this idea, he may have taken a style of jujitsu and was ignorant of the differences and is claiming a legitimate rank in a style of Japanese JJ.
As a (legit) purple belt, if I'm rolling with an untrained white belt and lose back control and get tapped that quickly, I'm immediately demoting myself.

Also nice submission. If I were your boyfriend I would sign up with your school immediately. I suppose he doesn't want to be exposed.
If you want to confront him for possibly lying to you about his training, then you should have done so privately and in a respectful manner, and then decided where that left your relationship. Instead, you posted a video on a martial arts forum and asked a bunch of strangers to comment on it. That was a very disrespectful thing to do. He ought to break up with you. Maybe he lied, maybe he didn’t. Maybe this is actually a video of you and him, maybe it isn’t and we are being fed a line of bull ****. But if it is, what you did is unforgivable and doing this has already done irreparable damage to the relationship. If you wanted to cross that line, then you should have simply broken up with him from the start, instead of airing that dirty laundry on the internet. If you two haven’t broken up yet, then he needs to dump you immediately.
Because purple belts are the apex of masculinity.

So obviously he would say he is one to impress you. Like being a pilot or an astronaut. Except obviously better.
Astronauts usually are pilots, so they’re much better than ‘purple’ (🙄) belts

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