Boxing or American Kickboxing

I don't know if they do or not. My guess is that a very select group of them do. I said repeatedly that it's not essential whether they do so or not. But you seem unreceptive.

That reply to my message makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Did you quote the right person?
I'm not impressed with anecdotes.
That's irrelevant since boxers don't train kicking, an aspect of Kickboxing. Kickboxers train punching, an aspect of boxing.
Hmm, people who spend all their time doing one thing(punching) might be better at it then people who do other things as well? Stop the presses! This is breaking news!
Why does the subject keep shifting?

Istr it started that no kickboxer ever punches as hard as a boxer.

Then it became as hard or as well.

Then it sidestepped to being able to take a punch.

Then it went back to as hard.

Then power didn't matter suddenly.

Now we're at overall technique.

I'm confused.

Is it because I don't know much about boxing?
Nah it's userc who doesn't know anything about it
I'm not impressed with anecdotes

And yet, you expect everyone else to be impressed by them...

My cousin is a former IBF intercontinental champion, peak world rank 29.. I have seen his worst opponents starting out as a pro. They were terrible, overweight, slow, etc. I would 100% knock their heads off

He sparred this dude named Wladimir Klitchko. You may have heard of him. Big Ukrainan guy. Dominated boxing.
Hmm, people who spend all their time doing one thing(punching) might be better at it then people who do other things as well? Stop the presses! This is breaking news!

These are the people I'm arguing with though. Please set them straight. I'm exhausted.
This can actually be both fun and educational for all involved.
We have a local boxing club that would come to the dojang. We'd pair up their students with ours, and have them go at it. Once under boxing rules, once under our rules (but never those stupid WT rules).
Since we train and use hands, our students consistently did pretty well with 'pure' boxing. The boxing students struggled when kicks were added, but even without much training they could learn to throw a reasonable roundhouse or front snap kick to the body.
The Y put a stop to it, because of liability concerns.

You "forgot" to mention how old they were..
If a TKD club does consistently well in pure boxing against boxers, they are either children or the boxing club is phenomenally poor. Or you have the biggest talent pool on the planet.
These are the people I'm arguing with though. Please set them straight. I'm exhausted.
MIGHT be better. You yourself supplied a list of KBs who are by your own definition the equal of boxers. You contradict yourself and wont concede when your claims are shown to be incorrect .
MIGHT be better. You yourself supplied a list of KBs who are by your own definition the equal of boxers. You contradict yourself and wont concede when your claims are shown to be incorrect .

They are not the equal of boxers just because they punch as hard.
I didn't know all there is to boxing is Power. You guys are more ignorant than I thought.
I wrote no kickboxer of any organisation punches harder. That is, put anyone of them in a boxing gym and punch that way instead, and they will punch harder. Or clone them and have one do boxing, the other kickboxing, then see who punches harder.
I didn't know all there is to boxing is Power. You guys are more ignorant than I thought.

That's okay we're all thinking the same about you again I'll say this your coach told you you've got the worst technique in your told us that and now you're acting like some expert and trash talking fighters
That's okay we're all thinking the same about you again I'll say this your coach told you you've got the worst technique in your told us that and now you're acting like some expert and trash talking fighters

Yet I had 3 years up on those guys with your precious kickboxing. Case closed.
Yet I had 3 years up on those guys with your precious kickboxing. Case closed.
My precious kickboxing? What the hell are you on know what I don't even care keep training maybe you'll learn something one day...I doubt it but you never know. I'm bored now
Yet I had 3 years up on those guys with your precious kickboxing. Case closed.

What you also probably had was a misinterpretation of what they were sparring for.

If they're working on technique and you go in blazing with no care to form (in your own words "shouldn't I try my best?") then while they're sticking to their self imposed rules you'll 'dominate' them.

Different situation, maybe they would've floored you. Maybe they wouldn't.

You're such a contradiction though, on one hand you say that boxers are the best boxers, but then you say that you as an ex kickboxer are better at boxing.

You seem to have wildly differing views that directly contradict each other yet expect them all to be true.

You say the coach has nothing to do with it, yet you blame the coach for training people who can't deal with you.