Boxing Day / Kwanzaa



To our kenpo brothers and sisters in Canada, Australia, The U.K.
Happy Boxing Day!!!!

To any kenpo brothers and sisters who celebrate it ...
Happy Kwanzaa!!!
Well happy boxing day to you too Kirk! Now that Ive really read into this post and imagined things can I start flamin ya now?? MUUUAHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA :rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Not to sound too dumb here but what is this holiday?

Which one? If Boxing Day, hopefully someone more "in the know"
can help.
Not to sound too dumb here but what is this holiday?

To my knowledge:
Kwannza is an African holiday that began in 1966. It's a time for African's or decendants of African decent to celebrate (I believe) both harvest and 'community'. It's a young holiday really, and though it was begun and mostly held by those of African decent, it can be celebrated by anyone.
It's kind of an African OctoberFest!!!
Your Brother (Pass the Dark Ale)
Boxing day is the day after Christmas where we Australians get drunk and watch the annual Boxing Day Test Match (cricket).

As for any historical information, I don't know.
Originally posted by Brother John
To my knowledge:
Kwannza is an African holiday that began in 1966. It's a time for African's or decendants of African decent to celebrate (I believe) both harvest and 'community'. It's a young holiday really, and though it was begun and mostly held by those of African decent, it can be celebrated by anyone.
It's kind of an African OctoberFest!!!
Your Brother (Pass the Dark Ale)

Brother John!

Drink all the ale you want, but PLEASE get rid of that dancing stick figure you got there. it gives me the CREEPS!:eek:
Boxing Day is originally a British Holiday ... Sorry Nyoongar! :lol:

Boxing Day was originally for the purpose of going and visiting friends and relatives... The day of Christmas being pretty much an immediate family affair... Kind of took the pressure off of visiting all the friends and in laws in one day....

Either that, or ....

Satans.barber and his relatives get together and beat up everybody in their local township! It was so much fun that it has spread to the length and breadth of the British Empire, on which the sun never sets. :lol: :lol: :lol:

One or the other ... I can never remember...

Kwanzaa is only celebrated in the US. :shrug:

Anyone remember Michael Page from Fade to Black when he sent Happy Kwanzaa cards to all of the KKK Grand Wizards?! :D C-L-A-S-S-I-C

Boxing day is the day of boxes. It's celebrated in Aussieland <?>, Canada and the UK.
Originally posted by Sigung86
Boxing Day is originally a British Holiday ... Sorry Nyoongar! :lol:

Due to the fact that Australia was invaded by the British, you'll find that a lot of the public holidays in Australia come from England:p :p

Maybe I should have said Boxing day is "getting drunk and watching the Aussies belt the living hell out of the Poms all the while enjoying the public holiday that originated in England.:
the only thing I need to know about boxing day is its a public holiday :D

BTW Nyoongar where abouts in WA do you train ?
Originally posted by Sigung86
Boxing Day is originally a British Holiday ... Sorry Nyoongar! :lol:

Either that, or ....

Satans.barber and his relatives get together and beat up everybody in their local township! It was so much fun that it has spread to the length and breadth of the British Empire, on which the sun never sets. :lol: :lol: :lol:

One or the other ... I can never remember...


That was soooo funny...hahahahaha:) :lol:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Not to sound too dumb here but what is this holiday?

Boxing Day was created to reinforce the English class system, when the middle and upper classes would give money or goods to their servants and tradesmen the day after Christmas Day.

This practice was known as giving them their 'Christmas Box' hence the name, Boxing Day.

Some people, such as garbage men, mail men and assorted regular delivery men still uphold the tradition in this country, although how much support they get is debatable.
(If you want the reward you should give the service, I always say)

The Irish use this day to celebrate St. Stephen's Day.

St. Stephen the Protomartyr, as he is officially known, was the first Christian martyr. He was stoned to death shortly after Jesus was killed on Calvary, according to New Testament accounts.

Some legends say that a screeching wren betrayed St. Stephen's hiding place in a bush before he was stoned.

Therefore, (here's the fun part), wrens should be hunted down and stoned like St. Stephen was. Although these days most young Irish boys tie a holly branch to the top of a stick as they go door to door celebrating St. Stephen's Day, the original custom was to hunt down a wren and tie the carcass to the stick.

How festive!

Another Celtic myth says that the robin (representing the new year) kills off the wren (representing the old year) the day after Christmas.

This national holiday in Ireland features a dead saint and a dead bird. What a great combination. Any excuse to down an extra few pints of Guinness.

What Stephen, the patron saint of stonemasons and horses, may have to do with Boxing Day, I've never figured out.

Whatever its true origins, historians agree, Boxing Day has nothing to do with your unofficial American Boxing Day rituals of tossing empty gift boxes and wrapping paper out of the house, or returning unwanted gifts to the department store.

So now you know.

Originally posted by Sigung86
It was so much fun that it has spread to the length and breadth of the British Empire, on which the sun never sets. :lol: :lol: :lol:


It's all very well saying that the Sun never sets on the British Empire, but.... you must bear in mind that we can't actually see it because of the rain clouds and fog.

Actually, I'm not sure it's still true, so much of it has gone now.

Sorry Les! Although you probably realized it ... I was just taking the Micky out on you in the UK. :lol:

I spent four years living in Weathersfield, about 50 miles or so, kind of North and Eastish of London. I absolutely loved my time in your land, taught kenpo, played guitar with some bands and great musicians, visited as many places as I could, hunted ghosts in Coggeshall (spelling?) and other places, and made some truly, wonderful friends.

Had I been able to find a job of sufficient remuneration, when I was getting out of the service, I probably would have staid, and eventually, acquired a pseudo-British accent! :rofl:

Take care,

Originally posted by Sigung86
I spent four years living in Weathersfield


I do recall you telling me that ages ago in an e-mail.

If you remember it turned out that I was 25 miles away in Colchester, but unfortunately we missed each other by about 12 months.

Anyway, feel free to take the mickey out of the English any time, (I'm not English, just stuck living among them), they are certainly a source of amusement to me.

Originally posted by Les

I do recall you telling me that ages ago in an e-mail.

If you remember it turned out that I was 25 miles away in Colchester, but unfortunately we missed each other by about 12 months.

Anyway, feel free to take the mickey out of the English any time, (I'm not English, just stuck living among them), they are certainly a source of amusement to me.


Now that you mention it ... I do remember it! :lol:

Aging is not for wimps! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, Happy Day-after-boxing Day Day!

Take care Les...

Originally posted by Les

Anyway, feel free to take the mickey out of the English any time, (I'm not English, just stuck living among them), they are certainly a source of amusement to me.


i see....:)
Originally posted by Brother John
To my knowledge:
Kwannza is an African holiday that began in 1966. It's a time for African's or decendants of African decent to celebrate (I believe) both harvest and 'community'. It's a young holiday really, and though it was begun and mostly held by those of African decent, it can be celebrated by anyone.
It's kind of an African OctoberFest!!!
Your Brother (Pass the Dark Ale)

You are essentially correct, although "Kwanza's" creation was a bit later. It was created by a college associate of mine named "Ron" who led an alternate group to the "Black Panther Party" called "US." He is now a tenured professor at a university in Southern California.