Boxing be Taller opponents


White Belt
Dec 7, 2023
Reaction score
In open stace ( southpaw vs orthodox ) has the taller guy a bigger adavantage vs the smaller guy?
Close stance is easier for smaller guys vs a taller guy?
Speaking as a tall guy, I haven't noticed a difference. Obviously the reach is an advantage, but I haven't found the advantage to be greater or lesser based on fighting closed or open stances.
Since I'm always the "short guy" I never try to box from the outside as a normal strategy, often you got to do it before you can get inside..
When I started MA I was small, even for my age. Then I grew 5 inches over one summer (which hurts, zero stars, do not recommend). I can't say being tall is a particularly big (see what I did there) advantage. Height difference just means you need to control the distance at which you're fighting. Which you should be doing anyway. Doesn't really matter if you're boxing, kicking, or using hand weapons. I've gone dagger vs rapier any number of times. Get in close enough, and their extra reach becomes a DISadvantage.
When I started MA I was small, even for my age. Then I grew 5 inches over one summer (which hurts, zero stars, do not recommend). I can't say being tall is a particularly big (see what I did there) advantage. Height difference just means you need to control the distance at which you're fighting. Which you should be doing anyway. Doesn't really matter if you're boxing, kicking, or using hand weapons. I've gone dagger vs rapier any number of times. Get in close enough, and their extra reach becomes a DISadvantage.
In the sports realm of TKD, it depends on where your height is anatomically speaking. A person who is all legs and learns how do use them does have a considerable advantage in WT sparring for example. Speed and a great chess game is about the only way to overcome it. Getting or staying close in is one good move but more is required to really be successful.

But person who is all legs, clumsy, and short arms would have a disadvantage in a sword fight I assume.:)
A few general tips for beating taller opponents.

Don't stay in the range where the taller person can hit you, but you cannot him. Position yourself a step outside of that range or in closer.

Don't stay in the corner where the taller person can control the distance and pick you off at his range.

Use feints, fakes and make your opponent step to you with a committed attack, then enter.

Jam your opponent, clinch, stay inside, work the body.

Watch film on shorter fighters like Mikey Tyson.
In open stace ( southpaw vs orthodox ) has the taller guy a bigger adavantage vs the smaller guy?
Close stance is easier for smaller guys vs a taller guy?
I would rather punch in a downward motion for an extended period of time versus punching upward. Peripheral vision is better downwards than upwards meaning you may have to look up more to see what is going on, looking up exposes chin.
In the sports realm of TKD, it depends on where your height is anatomically speaking. A person who is all legs and learns how do use them does have a considerable advantage in WT sparring for example. Speed and a great chess game is about the only way to overcome it. Getting or staying close in is one good move but more is required to really be successful.
That's an issue with the stupid ruleset of WT TKD, not with height.
But person who is all legs, clumsy, and short arms would have a disadvantage in a sword fight I assume.:)
Yes, because they're clumsy. Being clumsy is a disadvantage in any fight.
How To Beat Taller/Smaller Opponents ITF TKD Sparring

Speaking as a tall guy, I haven't noticed a difference. Obviously the reach is an advantage, but I haven't found the advantage to be greater or lesser based on fighting closed or open stances.
I would agree until you bias your weight so much and so often the way they are in the video.