Bob White Seminar on Effective Coaching


Orange Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Thanks to all who attended Bob Whites seminar on Elements of effective Coaching yesterday in Costa Mesa.

It was a full house (see below) with people from all over. Special thanks to Bobby and Char Lawrence who traveled in from Utah, Denis & Maria Ciccarelli who drove down from Fresno, Ricky Forrest and family who drove up from Baja and all the rest. We were also very happy to have Dennis Conatser who drove in from AZ to share Ed Parker stories.

The material was extremely well received and gave everybody a lot to think about when it comes to being a better coach/teacher and building long term relationships with your students.

Mr. White went over many of the things he learned from Mr. Parker as well as ideas he got from other great coaches and leaders like John Wooden, Vic Braden, Tom Landry and others.

At the end of the session there was a Q&A session and the most common question was, why dont we have more seminars on how to teach?. I think that is a very good question and we hope that all who attended got a lot out of this seminar. The seminar was filmed and a DVD will be available soon.

Thank you,

Vishal Shukla

I was there and HIGHLY suggest that everyone pick up a copy of this DVD. So much great material and stories shared, I will be grabbing a DVD so I can try to catch things I missed during the seminar. I look forward to more seminars and DVD's with this high quality of instruction and information!
Thanks Chris. I start the editing tomorrow morning. We just received the last clip from Master Ken to use in the DVD. With Dennis Conatser doing the Ed Parker stories, Enter the Dojo, plus the contents of the seminar it should make for a good instructors tool. I believe it has some valuable material that can help make for better teachers. I know the preparation certainly helped me.
Last week’s seminar by Bob White on “Elements of Effective Coaching” was filmed for a DVD. You can pre-order the DVD on

The DVD is scheduled to be available on March 22 at the Welcome Banquet for the Bob White Invitational. Below is the cover for the DVD.

Vishal Shukla

Last week’s seminar by Bob White on “Elements of Effective Coaching” was filmed for a DVD. You can pre-order the DVD on

The DVD is scheduled to be available on March 22 at the Welcome Banquet for the Bob White Invitational. Below is the cover for the DVD.

Vishal Shukla


I will look at the finished DVD today and I will start shipping out as soon as they are printed. I truly appreciate the many orders I have received and look forward to feedback after viewing.
A gentleman wrote last week wanting to get some help in keeping his school open. That is one of the main reasons why I made this DVD. It is not about promotion in getting new students, it is about keeping the ones you have. A sustainable base of students that you build your school on. The one word answer would be service, but the reality is that it takes many parts covered in this DVD to make it work. Orders can be placed at
If kenpo is based on logic it certainly makes sense to try and constantly improve your knowledge of our art and coaching skills. As I have mentioned before, the people that need this DVD the most are people that will never see it. They all ready believe that they are great teachers and it's the students that don't respond to his teachings. It's much safer to blame than look in the mirror.
The price of the DVD Elements of Effective Coaching will remain $30 until the end of May. At that point the DVD will be the same as out Purpose Driven Journey to Success DVD which sells for $50. This gives people that are serious about improving their coaching skills the opportunity to invest in their teaching at a reduced price. I want to thank all of you that have posted your thoughts on the DVD and I hope it continues to be something you value
These are a couple of the many positive responses from the DVD. I appreciate you all taking the time to give me your thoughts;
Hello Mr White,

I received the DVD and International Journey the other day, so thank you for that.

After viewing your DVD, I must say that it is one of the best bits of information given ever. Not only is this for Kenpo, I will be using the principles in there for my other business which is in commercial cleaning.

My wife who is a Primary school Teacher and a Yoga Teacher also got alot of information out of it.

I just wanted to say Thank You as this has inspired me in so many ways.


Dane Barbour
Melbourne Kenpo Karate Concepts

I came home from work today and found my copy had arrived. I watched
the DVD through once and immediately hit menu and rewatched the entire
DVD again.

Some of the material you covered I have been the beneficiary of
receiving in leadership courses through my employer, Verizon Wireless.
The majority of the material however, was presented in a new context
or totally new to me - and the manner in which you presented it was
intriguing and forced me to immediately decide to implement several of
the suggestions. I have no doubt that future rewatching will enable me
to be a better student and a better teacher for my students.

I run a self defense school in Salinas, CA, which is geared completely
towards self defense skill sets, and all of my Instructor Corps have
mandated continuing education requirements as part of their teaching

I found your DVD to be an incredible resource on leadership and
coaching, and I am writing you this letter to humbly ask your
permission to make this DVD part of the required curriculum for all
Instructors at my school. The manner in which you presented the
material was concise and intriguing and I have no doubt that anyone
who watches the DVD will benefit. At my own school, I can immediately
see benefit to the implementation of several of your suggestions.
Steve Zalazowski
I will be doing this seminar in Boston next weekend and I will be handing out Certificates of Completion after the class. This will be at the IKC's promoted by Doreen DiRienzo August 2nd-4th.

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