"BOB" Techniques

Thanks for your input. Any other workouts that anyone can recommend to me for "BOB" and I?
The best thing I can think of for any bag work is guaging distance. I have a couple friends that are just awesome fighters. The way they train on a bag has no set drill or combination. Rather like in a sparring/combat situation they bounce in and out of range. This helps them know what the effective range for hand and kicking techniques. It helps with timing as well, as soon as they are within range they strike and move back out.
masherdong said:
More inputs please.
So I had some time to kill at the dojo yesterday, I lined BOB up with the focumaster so that BOB had one arm... that was fun! So now I was able to work some of our combos that move from arm to body/head with as much power and speed as I could get into them. Could I have done that all with the focusmaster? Probably. But with BOB I can really gauge my accuracy. And it was more fun.

What if they filled BOB with fake blood and made him realistically bleed when struck the right way? Then you would have the Body Lacerating Opponent Bag.
I do a lot of range drills using different combinations. Close distance, backfist, reverse punch. Close distance, left jab, right cross, right roundhouse kick, etc. Timing drills, like Kenpo's Hugging Drill is made for B.O.B. Continuity drills--find ways to link your blows one from the other, finding your next target with as much economy of motion as possible.

There are also a bunch of ideas in Loren Christensen's (sp?) Solo Training for the Martial Artist.
TigerWoman said:
I think Century Martial Arts puts out a training CD on Bob workout. You can do on Bob anything on a standup bag. Its just more realistic. You can backfist, uppercut, jab, reverse punch, hook, elbow strike, knife to throat, knee strike (bring down Bob's head), eye gouge, ear pop, jump back etc. etc. And he justs sits there and takes it! :) TW

Is it any better than their Wavemaster drills video? The wavemaster one was totally worthless.
I like the BOB with the sprung "hips" that just keeps coming back, reminds me of a weeble "Weebles wobble but we don't fall down..."
Hello, Awareness is the key to survival. To learn how to avoid most conflicts is to learn to talk your way out of a situtions.

Just for fun? Practice talking to "BOB" and see if you can win! At least he won;t say anything back? .....Aloha
RRouuselot said:
He actually works harder than some of my staff.....and pays attention longer too!
BOB is a great employee and target. Our school has one behind the counter wearing a sweatshirt, ball cap and sunglasses. I'm sure he's prevented a break-in or two. He stands guard all day and all night.

On a more serious note, BOB is a great toy. You can beat on him-any drill you could do to a standing bag can be done on BOB. Though he's fun, you can't really do any timing drills on BOB like with a hanging bag.
