Board Of Advisors


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I was surfing the Kajukenbo Cafe recently and saw an interesting post. Sijo Emperado has a board of GMs, that are in charge of promoting people to the rank of 8th and 9th degree black belt. This is for anyone that is under the KSDI umbrella. Anyone who wishes to be brought to that level, needs their name reviewed by the BOA.

IMO, this sounds like a pretty good idea, as it seems like it will keep some solid structure in the organization.

So, for those that are not part of the Kaju group, do you feel that this is something that should be done in other Kenpo orgs? Maybe its done already, I really don't know. For example, if you're in the Parker system, a group of 8th or 9th degrees is in charge of promoting others who're also in the Parker system, once they reach say, 5th degree. So, anything above 5th, would require approval from this board.
So, for those that are not part of the Kaju group, do you feel that this is something that should be done in other Kenpo orgs? Maybe its done already, I really don't know. For example, if you're in the Parker system, a group of 8th or 9th degrees is in charge of promoting others who're also in the Parker system, once they reach say, 5th degree. So, anything above 5th, would require approval from this board.

Theoretically it would be great, but I think the genie is out of the bottle with regard to kenpo, there is way too much red out there already to get any kind of a handle on it. High ranks are always political, that is essentially their only function, you can't tell me there is any kind of technical standard between what is a 6th and what is a 7th and what is an 8th. The American Kenpo Senior Council was originally designed to do just what this Kaju board is supposed to do, and that didn't work at all. I think it was disbanded until they could come up with a functional mission, Doc would know the details better.
i kind of think this was done already, i know a guy who went to LV,(tracys kenpo) and they had a board that you had to go in front off, this was called the orphans of kenpo, and (this is what i was told) they would give you rank after your perform. :)
It's been my opinion that to have more than one person agree on rank in the martial arts someone needs to be standing in front of a mirror.
It seems that Sijo Emperado has done a pretty wise thing. Unfortunately for Kenpo/Kempo I think it would be hard to do anything like this now. Though I think anyone who has a system needs to think this through before they pass away so that the system can continue to thrive and succeed in the future.
It seems that Sijo Emperado has done a pretty wise thing. Unfortunately for Kenpo/Kempo I think it would be hard to do anything like this now. Though I think anyone who has a system needs to think this through before they pass away so that the system can continue to thrive and succeed in the future.

I would have to agree with you Brian.
Theoretically it would be great, but I think the genie is out of the bottle with regard to kenpo, there is way too much red out there already to get any kind of a handle on it. High ranks are always political, that is essentially their only function, you can't tell me there is any kind of technical standard between what is a 6th and what is a 7th and what is an 8th. The American Kenpo Senior Council was originally designed to do just what this Kaju board is supposed to do, and that didn't work at all. I think it was disbanded until they could come up with a functional mission, Doc would know the details better.

Sad but true. I was actually hoping some of the Kaju people here, would be able to share more insight on this. I have to wonder, does Kaju have the rank issues that we so often see in Kenpo? I mean, you said it yourself, there is a ton of red out there. While Kaju doesn't, AFAIK, use the same method as we do, ie: the bars, stripes, is there an out of control issue with rank there?

If in fact Kenpo did have a panel similar to what the Kaju BOA is set up to do, why didn't it work?
i kind of think this was done already, i know a guy who went to LV,(tracys kenpo) and they had a board that you had to go in front off, this was called the orphans of kenpo, and (this is what i was told) they would give you rank after your perform. :)

Hey George,

Question..was this board consisting of high ranking Tracy people or was it one of those soke boards, where we usually see 10 people on the panel, yet only 1, if that, is an actual practicioner of Kenpo?
It's been my opinion that to have more than one person agree on rank in the martial arts someone needs to be standing in front of a mirror.

I'm sorry, you lost me on that.
It seems that Sijo Emperado has done a pretty wise thing. Unfortunately for Kenpo/Kempo I think it would be hard to do anything like this now. Though I think anyone who has a system needs to think this through before they pass away so that the system can continue to thrive and succeed in the future.

I think you're right Brian. I have to wonder, and again, I hope some Kaju folks will join in on this....but was there or is there an issue in that art, like we see in Kenpo? Was it caught early enough, vs. Kenpo, where it seems like an out of control wild fire?

Like I said, I think its a good idea. Like Sijo said, anyone can do whatever they want, but it won't be recognized by him. I think having something in place, may eliminate someone from another art promoting a Kenpo guy to a high rank. I mean, what the hell does a Judo guy know about Kenpo, if he's never trained it? That be like me promoting someone to 5th in TKD. Never have, and probably never will train TKD, so why would I want my sig. on his diploma?
Like Sijo said, anyone can do whatever they want, but it won't be recognized by him.

That's pretty much it. You can't stop people from doing what they want in their school, but you can make it so that you know which ones have Sijo's seal of approval. He hand picked the BOA, so that he would know that his standards were being upheld. If they weren't promoted by Sijo or his BOA, you know that they did their own thing. Buyer beware.
I'm sorry, you lost me on that.

In other words the two that agree are the one in front of the mirror and the one in the mirror. ;)

Hey we seem to be getting some good dialogue and maybe even some workouts in the new year (hint hint hint Jesse) from splinters of the skk groups, so maybe someday there will be a board of advisors come from that.

Oh wait we are mostly 4th and 5th degrees should we promote are selves 1st so we can be the board.....just kidding!!!
Hey George,

Question..was this board consisting of high ranking Tracy people or was it one of those soke boards, where we usually see 10 people on the panel, yet only 1, if that, is an actual practicioner of Kenpo?

you know i think that they were all kenpo people sitting on the board, but kenpojoe was out there at the time (i could not make it) and this person went up in front of them,(this guy is from Philly) anyway he did some stuff and got a 6th, and joe called me and toild me about what happen, so i think if you got the $$$ you can get the rank. BTW this guy did "tiger Crane"
It seems that Sijo Emperado has done a pretty wise thing. Unfortunately for Kenpo/Kempo I think it would be hard to do anything like this now. Though I think anyone who has a system needs to think this through before they pass away so that the system can continue to thrive and succeed in the future.

Don't think that Sijo didn't learn from what happened in Kenpo after Parker passed in this matter. He saw what happened there with American Kenpo and didn't want that to happen when he dies (or as Sijo says, "Kicks the bucket"). This way all anyone has to do is ask to see when this person was promoted to 8th or 9th. If it's after Sijo established the BOA and it doesn't have either his signature or the BOA's, then you know what happened. If you want to train under someone like that, then that's your choice.
you know i think that they were all kenpo people sitting on the board, but kenpojoe was out there at the time (i could not make it) and this person went up in front of them,(this guy is from Philly) anyway he did some stuff and got a 6th, and joe called me and toild me about what happen, so i think if you got the $$$ you can get the rank. BTW this guy did "tiger Crane"

Well, to steal something else from the Kaju folks...goes something like this...."We're not a if you can afford it, we award it art." :) I may be wrong, but I'm getting the impression from your post that this guy paid people off, and his skills had nothing to show.
Well, to steal something else from the Kaju folks...goes something like this...."We're not a if you can afford it, we award it art." :) I may be wrong, but I'm getting the impression from your post that this guy paid people off, and his skills had nothing to show.

i have to be nice Mike,but i will say this, the guys a jackass,opps!!! i did it again,see what you made me do LOL i'll call you this week and tell you abouty this mess.:)
i have to be nice Mike,but i will say this, the guys a jackass,opps!!! i did it again,see what you made me do LOL i'll call you this week and tell you abouty this mess.:)

Sounds good. We need to touch base before the Holiday. :)
Don't think that Sijo didn't learn from what happened in Kenpo after Parker passed in this matter. He saw what happened there with American Kenpo and didn't want that to happen when he dies (or as Sijo says, "Kicks the bucket"). This way all anyone has to do is ask to see when this person was promoted to 8th or 9th. If it's after Sijo established the BOA and it doesn't have either his signature or the BOA's, then you know what happened. If you want to train under someone like that, then that's your choice.


Thanks for your reply. :ultracool Another question if you dont mind. :) I'm assuming this is only applying to the folks in the Original Method, or does this apply to other branches as well? In other words, if GM Gaylord promoted someone to 8th, would it be recongized by Sijo? I ask because Sijo recognizes the other Kaju branches, I believe, so if he does, then is he recognizing the rank they give? For the record, I'm sure GM Gaylord doesn't hand out rank, so I'm sure that area isn't an issue. :)


Thanks for your reply. :ultracool Another question if you dont mind. :) I'm assuming this is only applying to the folks in the Original Method, or does this apply to other branches as well? In other words, if GM Gaylord promoted someone to 8th, would it be recongized by Sijo? I ask because Sijo recognizes the other Kaju branches, I believe, so if he does, then is he recognizing the rank they give? For the record, I'm sure GM Gaylord doesn't hand out rank, so I'm sure that area isn't an issue. :)


The standards set by the Board of Advisors apply to all members of Sijo Emperado's KSDI (Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute, Inc). There are KSDI members from all the branches and methods.
There are also other organizations such as the KAA (Kajukenbo Association of America), AKA (American Kajukembo Association), PRKA (Puerto Rico Kajukenbo Association), KNF (Kajukenbo National Federation), OKO (Ordonez Kajukenbo Ohana), etc.

Some of these organizations also have membership in the KSDI. Some don't.

The K.S.D.I.- B.O.A. has set promotion standards for 8th and 9th degree which include minimum years training and teaching. They may do a promotion in Sijo Emperado's name, or approve a 8th degree promotion that a 9th degree non-BOA member wants to do. Their main purpose is to insure standards for any high rank that represents Sijo Emperado's organization.