bo/escrima lessons in central NJ????


White Belt
HI everyone:boing1:im new to the boards as you can see from my post cound:uhyeah: i currently am new to martial arts and would like to learn bo/escrima. unfortunately my school doesnt do weapons until black belt and i have a looooooo....ooooong way til then. I was wondering if anyone knew of a school in central Jersey that teaches either in group or private. Doesnt really matter, I would like to get more info. I am looking to start bo/escrima lessons in february. Also would you recommend once a week, every 2 weeks, or every month for training. Remember, i am currently taking other classes and work fulltime and go to school so I would at most go to class once a week. Do you guys recommend bo or escrima lessons, which do you prefer.
Very few schools teach bo by itself. That is something that is usually integrated into a style and you get to do it after getting to at least medium level rank. That means you will have several months or more of training before you get to touch a bo.

Escrima on the other hand, is a style where you get to touch a stick on the first day.

All I can tell you is to google escrima, bo, and kobudo in your New Jersey at and then start visiting schools. By the way, kobudo is a style that deals heavily with weapons like bo, sai, or oar. If found one place on the web that teaches kobudo in your area: but it seems like a mega-school. That could be good or bad. You would just have to call and visit.

Personally, I would go with escrima if I were you, but that is just me. If you want to play with weapons, that would let you get to work immediately.

By the way, what would your current teacher think of you going to another school for supplementary lessons? In most schools, the head instructor would not approve of that.

thanks for the site I will check them out:wink2:As for my instructor and school, they understand. Unfortunately my busy schedule doesnt allow me to take more than 2 classes per week at the school because of the times. I want to be able to take 3 classes per week at the school because I would learn more information. Unlike most students, I am not worried about belt but rather learning. My school does special seminars once a month like this month we did a seminar about guns. I was lucky enought to attend but usually I am unable to, so when they do a weapons seminar I'm usually at work :vu: Even though I'm new to martial arts, I have trained in boxing and wrestled in high school. Once you reach black belt in my school you do weapons once a week but I would like to start in a few months. It is mainly for self defense because I am usually in New York alot in about 2 years I will be going to school out there and will be getting on the trains rather late. I thank you for your information and will look into it:cheers:
Good luck with that!

:uhyeah: awesome...feel free to pm me or put more info on this thread. I'm in piscataway and if I would to check you out and see if I can attend either weekly or bi-weekly depending on how you are structuring you classes.

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