
jkd friend

Green Belt
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
In other arts i'm told that you can't defend everything but what if your training was solely to block and/or defend
What system only teaches you to block or defend? Even aikido has offensive techniques that are used as a counter to an attack.

I do agree it's impossible to keep defending indefinitely. Eventually you have to do something to change the scenario even if it's only stepping into your attacker at an angle or position that will trip him up.
blocking works well against untrained people, and in no/light contact. But you will very rarely see a full contact fighter do much blocking in the traditional sense. You cover and avoid, but not block, anything that brings your hands away from you is something that can be used against you.
Ever here of the phrase, a good defence is a good offence...

Its not just some thing a jock made up one day, its quite true...Every block should be a strike, or be followed up by one.
If you don't give yourself the option of attack, sooner or later you run out of space, time or luck. The guy will eventually find an opening and splat you.

It's admirable, the idea, but best left as a sparring exercise or conversational gambit.
I don't like blocking. Just a personal preference. Too much coordination, speed, timing etc. just too many factors. I attempt to overwhelm them instead. If I block, I get hit anyway so I'd rather get a shot in instead. More bang for my buck. Sometimes you can just let them punch your forehead.
I'm sure that it is possible to block everything - that is every type of attack that is thrown at you.
However as everyone else has pointed out - if your being attacked that last thing you want to be doing is being on the defensive the entire time, you need to get in something in order to give yourself the best chance of getting away alive (because let face it - there is always a chance you or they may be fatally injured during a fight)

My personal take on it - do your best to avoid it - if you can't avoid it defend against it - attack to get the high-ground - get out of the situation.....

But then again these are just the ramblings of a guy who is on a sugar high at the moment......