trieing again


Senior Master
o.k i already posted this, but i seemed to have screwed it up so much that no one seems to understand what mean so i'm going to trie this again. lets say, for the sake of argument, that you and some one else are in a fight. what sort of training do you feel is importent to be cable of defending yourself or others. meaning, that while i do recognise that avoiding a fight and the forms of training that entails, i just want what you think you should know for when you are already in a fight. if that is in a style, what style, and why do you feel that way.
example: i think people should know how to defend against a gun so that if one draw on some one that person at least has a chance of defending themselves and it is taught, amongst other places, in ju-jitsu. and please nothing to obbivoius, like how to punch, kick, block, throw, or lock someone up. and if you read this and don't post anything because you don't understand me please post that so i can fix that.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

coungnhuka said:
lets say, for the sake of argument, that you and some one else are in a fight.
One on one, or are there other people around?
City or country?
Daylight or nighttime?
Weather conditions?
Gravel? Pavement?
Is alcohol involved?
Are there easily accessable escape routes?
Both armed? one armed? both empty hand?
What's the size difference in the people?
What is your body telling you? (if this answer is not "ESCAPE!!!", there's already a problem.)

As was said in your other thread, awareness to all of these items would determine your response. If you don't want to hear about basics, I'm not sure what kind of answer you're looking for my friend.

John, go back to your original post/thread ...
Also there's no need to start a whole new one... when you finally made your point clear eh? But, of all that... then here's a cut/paste of what I replied:

To your topic... you ask "what people should learn to know to defend themselves after the fight has started?..." In my earlier post I've outlined several "real-life" scenarios of potential fights/attacks/SD situations.
Now you're clarifiying that you want to know what we should know afterwards?
In my experience (and opinion) ... only one word... Adaptablity. Because once the fight has started; everything that you might have planned for in the last few seconds prior could go straight out the window and you're going to have to adapt to the situation as quickly as possible.
Your opponent might have a fighting style that you've never practiced against
Your opponent might have several fighting styles that he/she is switching over to (i.e. a JKD-ist) again and again.
Your opponent just might be this wild crazy punching kicking machine with no thought or pattern or randomness at all.
Your opponent suddenly realizes about 30-45 seconds in to the "fight" that you're going to kick their *** and they pull out a knife/gun in close quarters.
Something gets spilled on the floor and it becomes sticky/slippery.
Someone else shows up and decides to join the fray (on yours or their or neither's side... i.e. cops breaking it up).

These changes happen quickly and so thusly being able to adapt to those changes faster than your opponent does keeps you in control of the fight and on top. Like someone else said/reinforced... Awareness.
oumoose i mean any situation, doesn't matter thier are no limitions based on the situation. what ever you conditions you have experinced, seen, heard of, thought might happened, or what ever you want. macaver is on my thought prosses though.

sweet Brighit bless your blade


and off subject i'm surprised that no one has asked about he swett Brighit thing, but what ever.
coungnhuka said:
o.k i already posted this, but i seemed to have screwed it up so much that no one seems to understand what mean so i'm going to trie this again. lets say, for the sake of argument, that you and some one else are in a fight. what sort of training do you feel is importent to be cable of defending yourself or others. meaning, that while i do recognise that avoiding a fight and the forms of training that entails, i just want what you think you should know for when you are already in a fight. if that is in a style, what style, and why do you feel that way.
example: i think people should know how to defend against a gun so that if one draw on some one that person at least has a chance of defending themselves and it is taught, amongst other places, in ju-jitsu. and please nothing to obbivoius, like how to punch, kick, block, throw, or lock someone up. and if you read this and don't post anything because you don't understand me please post that so i can fix that.

sweet Brighit bless your blade


Anything that you can learn prior to an altercation is of course going to help when you're already fighting. Weapon disarms against a blade, club/stick, and gun are important. Grappling and fighting from the clinch are also 2 other important areas. In the event the fight goes to the ground, having some grappling experience will aid you in getting back to your feet. I notice that you said nothing obvious such as punching, kicking, blocking, etc., but IMHO, there are always ways that those areas can be improved upon.

and off subject i'm surprised that no one has asked about he swett Brighit thing, but what ever.

Ok, I'll bite. Could you explain that?

In closing, I'll give you an A for effort in making the attempt to take a step back, and clarify your post in a calmer fashion.

Good footwork is fundamental. My primary style is arnis. So I would consider the ability to both retreat and close using triangular footwork (so as to stay off of the main line) paramount.
Since you're over here now, I just wanted to thank you for your great description of coung nhu on the other thread in response to your question. What you're going to get in response to your question now is a lot of stuff involving tactics and range as well as the ability to grapple. Think about this though, once the fight has started the most important factor may be what some call mindset. You are in a fight, you are not sparring, you are not playing with your buddies, you are not going to be able to talk your way out, because its too late. Your enemy (he is not your opponent, you are not sparring in a dojo) may have friends come up and join in, he may pull a knife or something else. And so are you prepared to end it fast? Are you prepared to be brutal, a real S.O.B.? Not throw anything half hearted but throw down hard with bad intentions. If not, no techniques matter, range doesn't matter, grappling doesn't matter, striking angles don't matter, nothing matters without the proper attitude. Do you know when to quit? when it doesn't matter? when to run or walk away. This has to do with what is inside. A lot more important than what system you use or what techniques you have in your arsenal.
coungnhuka said:
o.k i already posted this, but i seemed to have screwed it up so much that no one seems to understand what mean so i'm going to trie this again. lets say, for the sake of argument, that you and some one else are in a fight. what sort of training do you feel is importent to be cable of defending yourself or others. meaning, that while i do recognise that avoiding a fight and the forms of training that entails, i just want what you think you should know for when you are already in a fight. if that is in a style, what style, and why do you feel that way.
example: i think people should know how to defend against a gun so that if one draw on some one that person at least has a chance of defending themselves and it is taught, amongst other places, in ju-jitsu. and please nothing to obbivoius, like how to punch, kick, block, throw, or lock someone up. and if you read this and don't post anything because you don't understand me please post that so i can fix that.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

As was already said by OUmoose you have to be aware of your suroundings, not ony that but there are no magical techniques that will work against any attack, nor even a technique that will work against the same attack everytime. That being said when you practice your combos against certain attacks (saying that you have realistic training) than these will help to increase your chances of winning. But your biggest edge will be the preassault ques (being aware(I like to call this the fight before the fight)) that you are able to notice, if you can tell that this person is going to attack you than you have the advantage.
thanks guys, i should have just put that down, in sted of starting to lose my temper. and i really thought that some one would ask from curiosity, about the sweet Brighit line. Brighit is a goddes in my religion, called Gaul (and if your going to ask, ya like sea gull, and you have the gaul to........). she has domain over about 50 things, including fire, black smithing, baskette weaving, childern, and martial arts, if your going to ask, yes the celts had martial arts. for the most part now, they are really just froms of wrestling and boxing. she is called sweet because she is supposed to have founded her own style, called Sli Brighiand (meaning the way of Brighit), and more things to that effect (great and heavly importent). and saying sweet Brighit bless your blade is prayer to martial artists and warriors in the Gaillic faith. and as for lone coyote, your welcome for the discription. and if their are any other coung nhuka out their and i screwed that up please post it, email me or what ever.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

The question isn't specific enough. The only answer as it stands is; you need to know everything that you might need to use, and you need to know how and when to use it. Which isn't a very useful answer.

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