Bleeding Heart Tightwads

It does bring up the question: what's more charitable?

Volunteering your precious time helping the needy?


Writing a check for a substantial amount of money?

I think both approaches to vindicating oneself from being called a "Tightwad" have great points. On one hand, someone is attempting to empathize with those in need by serving them, and meeting them on a human level. On the other, monetary goals are something all organizations have and need to meet in order to survive.

As I see it, the REAL question here is not of personal preference to charity, but of character.

Are you still a good person because the check you wrote helps people in the long run, even though it's ultimately a tax write-off?
The problem, at least in California, USA is that those that think they are spending their time, and vast amounts of it for a charitable reason, are not donating it, but rather are getting paid, and demanding more pay to do the job, and demanding that the public pay them for that job.

I consider working for a cause charity, when you are not getting paid to do it. In California it seems too many of these people consider it charity when they are forcing people like me to pay them ridiculous salaries, and allowing them to payroll many people in an inefficient way to do as little work as possible.
Thats not Charity, and I think in many places it would be called extortion.
I live in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia...
California, USA for those that don't get the joke.

Liberalism here takes a perverse turn to the disgusting.

Basically it comes down to a group of people that feel they should have the power to tell me what I can and can't spend my money on. They want to give jobs and my money to people who dont want ot work and dont have initiative. They want to punish people like me for taking a chance and succeeding in busines and making money, and reward people that vote the party line and have their hands out for their meal ticket.
I don't mind progresive thoughts and ideas. I dont mind things that tend to be thought of as left wing/democratic/liberal ideas in the USA like Stem cell research, education reform, and environmental protection to name a few, I just tend to want to go about it in a manner that makes sense. The liberals I refer too are the ones that want to reward people based on their vote and being able to keep themselves in power.
I prefer to reward those that work for something, and allow good citizens to decide what to spend their money on, how to spend their money, and where to spend their money.

For British and European Liberals America is the promised land, the country that is their ideal and what your saying is American liberals want to turn it into a socialist republic a la USSR? Weird!
For British and European Liberals America is the promised land, the country that is their ideal and what your saying is American liberals want to turn it into a socialist republic a la USSR? Weird!
Ah, but that's where the disconnect between the "Wiki" definition of a liberal and the extreme faction that is taking over the group comes in. While I don't think that many liberals envision a USSR style government (with the huge military, lines for everything from food to toilet paper and a secret police) many DO tend to express the idea that the government is there to solve all of your problems and that personal responsibility is something you shouldn't have to be burdened with. It's a vision of a cradle to the grave government if you will. Remember, I said the extreme side of the group... not the vast number of folks that are close to the middle of the road, just a little to the left of it.
Ah, but that's where the disconnect between the "Wiki" definition of a liberal and the extreme faction that is taking over the group comes in. While I don't think that many liberals envision a USSR style government (with the huge military, lines for everything from food to toilet paper and a secret police) many DO tend to express the idea that the government is there to solve all of your problems and that personal responsibility is something you shouldn't have to be burdened with. It's a vision of a cradle to the grave government if you will. Remember, I said the extreme side of the group... not the vast number of folks that are close to the middle of the road, just a little to the left of it.

ah that lot! They're not liberals here though they're the communists!

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