Black Belts certification.


Black Belt
Because for some, whether American, Korean or what ever, it is all about the money. Unless you take them to small claims court they don't have to order the certificate. Is is fair, no. Will it continue to happen, yes. So, buyer beware. This is why I, and a lot of others are here, to help those that have been short changed by their "masters". What I also find disappointing is when a a student comes in with a "school" certificate thinking that this is the be all/end all of certifications for black belt. Is a school certificate good enough for 99% of the students out there, yes it is. But, for the 1% who actually know what Kukkiwon certification is, it is not good enough, no, and it never will be. In my school, if you are not KKW, you do not have legitament black belt rank. I am not saying you are not a black belt, I am saying you are not legitmate as far as the Kukkiwon and I are concerned. So, this is a matter of opinion. Everyone I test gets a Kukkiwon certificate. Other schools give school certificates, IMO, it doesn't really matter which one you get as long as it is the one you want and the one that is important to you.
This sounds a bit random....
where are you going with that?

(I do not hold a KKW certificate, but from what I gather their paper is worth about as much as anybody else's unless you desire to participate in tournaments. I know i put the sweat equity in to earn my rank. Though I do grant you I should probably be busted back down to white belt after 3 years of couch hogging)
The official KKW certificate to me is important only if you switch schools, which I only recommend people do only if the move away or saome other important reason. I agree I do not like it if schools give you a school certificate and charge a ridiculous amount for their black belt test.
The official KKW certificate to me is important only if you switch schools, which I only recommend people do only if the move away or saome other important reason.

So... are you saying you don't give KKW certificates unless people want to switch school? So they could get a higher dan in your school and then only get 1st Dan Kukkiwon when they want to switch? Why not just give KKW certificates the whole time and if people want to switch they can.