Is it a requirement that is has to be specifically about Kenpo? If not, maybe check out other arts, or make a comparison between kenpo and other arts.
How about take one tech, and get some anatomy and physiology and medical texts and do some research, even take an anatomy/physiology class at your local community college, and describe exactly what is happening to the body at each segment of the tech. Get into the specific muscles and tendons and bones and nerves and blood vessels that are being manipulated or attacked. Describe the physical action in applying the tech, as well as the expected results of the blows and joint manipulations, and what could be expected as a result. include how long the effects of the trauma generally take to set in, things like soft tissue swelling that might not be instantaneous, vs. bone breaks and stunning blows that are instantaneous, and which nerves would be supplying the pain messages to the brain.
whoa, could you imagine doing that kind of research for every single tech?
There would certainly be a lot of repetition, as similar blows and manipulations would have similar effects, but describing every tech from a medical point of view could be an enormous project, could be a PhD. Dissertation.