black belt concern

  • Thread starter Thread starter jkdhit
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hi everyone, i have a black belt concern. i obtained my black belt a year ago in tae kwon do and had noticed that on the right side it contains my name in english and on the left it contains my name in korean.

however, i had noticed that on belts from other schools, the right has the students name in english while the left has the school name.

i wanted to know if there was any correct way? also is there any traditional way? and third, if any of you have your black belt, how has it been embroidered?

thanks a lot
There is no correct way as far as I know. You can easily reverse this if you flip-flop the way you put on your BB. It is really no big thing to switch it around. If somebody makes a big thing out of it have them explain why they want it a certain way.
I think there is as many ways to embroyd your belt as there is schools, masters, practissioners.

On my belt I have my name on the other side and Taekwondo Finland on the other side. BOth written in Korean. No western letters on my belt.
I have a friend whose son is a black belt in TKD has his name on the right side and the club's name on the left in English. So as started, there's no correct way although in my opinion, having everything embroyered in Korean sounds cool...... Steve
name on right in korean, school name on left in english, for us. but the most raditional way to wear a belt is without embroidery.
There is no "official" way to embroider the belt so anything's fine. Different schools/organizations do different things.

Traditionally, the belt/uniform embroidery would be to identify to whom they belonged as they simply hung on a nail in the dojang to dry. You wouldn't want to put on someone else's dobok and dee. :)

I learned something,maybe...a dee is a belt! Thanks, Miles.

My belt has the schools name on one side in English and below it in Korean.
The other side has my name is English then below it in Korean. I can't tie it so that when tied you can read both sides, one is always read right and the other upside down. I guess whoever embroidered it didn't figure that out. TW
I don't think there is a right or wrong. My TKD instructor embroidered our belt with the school name on one side and our last name on the other. :idunno:
thanks for the quick response guys. i was mainly concerned because friends of mine with black belts in other tkd schools have diff embroideries than mine so i was curious.

also i noticed one of my friends has a belt that says tae kwon do korea on the left side and i just thought that was kind of odd considering the school is in the usa.
i was just wondering.. has anyone heard of someone having a belt with their name on one side and either world tkd federation or kukkiwon or kukkiwon-wtf on the other side?
jkdhit said:
i was just wondering.. has anyone heard of someone having a belt with their name on one side and either world tkd federation or kukkiwon or kukkiwon-wtf on the other side?
I have some friends that have their name on the other end of the belt on Korean and Finnish and world taekwondo federation on Korean on the other end of the belt.
jkdhit said:
i wanted to know if there was any correct way? also is there any traditional way?
The tradition of coloured belts itself is relatively new. Just do it any way you want.

and third, if any of you have your black belt, how has it been embroidered?
It isn't. Individual students get their belts embroidered to taste.

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