Black Belt Attitude for Kids


2nd Black Belt
Hello everyone,

I was just trying to come up with some additional "Black Belt Attitudes" for our kids classes since they are growing very fast. Our school already has:

1. Eat healthy
2. Peace over power
3. Listen to parents and teachers
4. Practice your kung fu
5. Be honest
6. Never give up
7. Be respectful
8. Dont be a bully
9. Exercise
10. Be helpful

I would appreciate any other ideas that you can give me. I would like to get at least 5-10 more so this way each child has a chance to say one at the end of class while we discuss them.

Always give back to the less fortunite.

Always be a roll model

Always give 110% in Martial Arts as well as in life.

There are a few more.
We are proud of ourselves and our school.

I will use my skills to help others and never be offensive (or mean, aggressive, impolite if they understand those terms better).
  1. People are crazy
  2. People are stupid
  3. Never draw to an inside straight
  4. Don't play poker with the man who taught you
  5. A Smith & Wesson beats four aces
  6. Your thumb on the blade and strike upwards
  7. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach (otherwise the ribs get in the way)
  8. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime
  9. Fast horses, young women, old whiskey
  10. There is no such thing as social gambling or a fair fight. Treat them any other way and you're a sucker. If you don't like that choice don't gamble or get into fights
  11. In a fight: Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat
  12. Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
  13. Along those lines, always be careful around little old people who smile a lot. How did they get to be that old, and why are they still smiling?
  14. Everything is better with tentacles
  15. You can't be a sweet cucumber in a pickle barrel
  16. Everyone has a price. Don't let yours be too low
  17. Get someone mad and he'll hurt you. Scare him and he'll kill you
  18. Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead
  19. Eat your enemies in secret *
  20. Never be so busy or so drunk that you don't know what someone else is doing with your money
  21. It's not the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop at the end
  22. Never 'rassle with a pig. You get dirty, and the pig enjoys it
  23. If you need a gun carry two and a big knife. If you don't need a gun at least carry a .25 automatic. And if you need a gun to go into that bar, don't go into that bar
  24. No plan survives first contact with reality
  25. What 'everybody knows' is wrong
  26. Sometimes you get the bear. Sometimes the bear gets you
  27. Often times it's the one who wins the fight isn't the one who's willing to hurt the other guy more. It's the one who is willing to be hurt more and keep going
  28. Never underestimate greed or the power of stupid people in large numbers
  29. Never underestimate the other guy in the fight. A guy who feels he has nothing to lose and a woman protecting her kids or grandkids are the most dangerous of all
  30. Tired is stupid. Get some rest
  31. Fear and hunger concentrate the mind wonderfully
  32. Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe
  33. The laws of chance and physics have no mercy
  34. Everyone lies about love and sex, especially to themselves
  35. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
  36. It ain't simple, and you ain't stupid
  37. PPPPPP - Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance or Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect
  38. Don't adopt opinions. Develop them
  39. Genius is 5% inspiration, 95% perspiration
  40. Battles are won by generals. Wars are won by quartermasters
* A small prize will be awarded to the first person who can tell me where that quote came from

I meant this post to be completely ha-ha. On reflection, there's a fair bit of truth there that I wish I'd known at that age. Of course, at that age most of us weren't in a position to understand or use it. Ah well, "Ve get too soon alt und too late schmart" as my uncle Adolph and Aunt Eva used to say...
Hello, Great stuffs and fun to read.... many words from the WISE! ........Aloha

"A penny save is a penny earn" save your it cost the government 2 1/2 cents to produce a penny. "Make cents to you?"
I have the same rules for kids as for adults - I just use different scenarios to explain them, and for some, I have to use simpler vocabulary. Rules in my class are based on the Tenets of TKD and the Student Oath, as written by Gen. Choi in The Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do:


Indomitable Spirt

Student Oath:

I shall observe the Tenets of Taekwon-Do
I shall respect my instructors and students
I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
I shall build a more peaceful world

In addition, I require all kids to show me their report cards regularly, maintain C's or better in all academic classes, and provide homework assistance if needed (I teach middle school, too).
In my opinion, the mentality that a black belt is the LAST LEVEL, is what a lot of "children" have in mind. that being said...children most likely will quit martial arts with the thought that they are "done"...

And this is not the case...

That is one of the most valuable lession that can be learned is that training is never "done" or complete...

Thats one of the biggest problems I see with having a set curriculum..and also showing a underbelt those future lessions...without letting them know, that there is more to it...

its kinda like going shopping for someone that has everything...

When a student has all the patches and passed all the tests..what else is there for them...

There has to be some sort of drive to do learn more, to advance...and thats where my biggest gripe with making children BB....they haven't had the time to develop the understanding that is required from a BB....and then they quit martial Arts for the rest of there lives

Now don't get me wrong, i think having Jr. BB's is a wonderful thing, and it promotes leadership...but thats only if an instructor can get across to his/her students that being a black belt doesn't make you invincable or perfect, or a purely states that you are a Shodan (literal translation: Little Tree)

being a black Belt is just the beginning of the journey

karate no michi
We don`t have kid Dan ranks and we don`t preach to the adults.

The kid`s Karate Rules are as follows:

1: Train a little every day
2: Do not attack people
3: Eat your vegetables
4: Listen to your Parents, Teachers and Martial Arts Instructors
5: Don`t talk to strangers