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Well taken, I'm sorry I just couldn't pass it up, I had this flash dance like mental picture in my head! lol

Biting is one of a persons most dangerous weapons. Its a wonder that is not a martial arts technique. Your in a clinch, and wham! you lach on to the guys jugular and rip it in too. What would be more effective??
DeLamar.J said:
Biting is one of a persons most dangerous weapons. Its a wonder that is not a martial arts technique. Your in a clinch, and wham! you lach on to the guys jugular and rip it in too. What would be more effective??

Umm...NOT getting hepetites perhaps? :confused:


Pam Anderson
Personally I wouldn't bite some one for the simple reason of the obvious. If you manage to bite through their skin, which in fact isn't very difficult, then you're going to have their blood and skin in your mouth. Now with all the different types of things you can catch these days through bodily fluids. I think biting some one would be my absolute last option. There's to much to risk in that type of defense. No to mention losing teeth. Not that it might not happen in a fight any how, but if you keep your mouth closed and jaw closed tight, then that shouldn't be as much of a hazord.
LadyDragon said:
Personally I wouldn't bite some one for the simple reason of the obvious. If you manage to bite through their skin, which in fact isn't very difficult, then you're going to have their blood and skin in your mouth. Now with all the different types of things you can catch these days through bodily fluids. I think biting some one would be my absolute last option. There's to much to risk in that type of defense. No to mention losing teeth. Not that it might not happen in a fight any how, but if you keep your mouth closed and jaw closed tight, then that shouldn't be as much of a hazord.

I agree...

my joking comments also hold truth to them. You open yourself up to a lot of diseases by biting, and getting their fluids and junk in your mouth (mind out of gutter, please :rolleyes: ). If you defend yourself, but the results of your defense is a debilitating disease of some kind, then I'd say your self defense was ineffective.

So...I can't say that I wouldn't bite someone, but I can say that it would only be used as a last resort.


Mike Tyson
A good bite to the windpipe can kill any man or animal for that matter. It can be done very quickly before you start to tear flesh and blood thus preventing any viruses from entering your body. However killing is something we all try to avoid.
Street fights tend to be vicious at their least. So biting, headbutting, eyejabbing, skin ripping (like tearing a telephone book in half), hair yanking, bottle beating, ashcan smashing, spitting, kneeing, elbowing, and booting-them-when-they're-down are all fine and dandy to protect yourself from the idiot who started it in the first place. Remember, you never start the fight, but hopefully you always end it.
If it was an extreme situation then i would hav no doubts about biteing, id eat the bugger!
Cobra said:
What is your views on biting in a street fight? I know many would say that being biten is very painful, and can tear flesh (especially if you have really pointed canine teeth!) . Infact, your jaw muscles are the most powerful muscles for sqeezing or holding. I think a punch or kick can generate loads more pressure. But for squezzing, it might be better to bite.

Some chokes are applied with pressing down your fingers on the windpipe. A bite would proably finish it faster or right away, but would you ever do it. Human beings in general would think it is filthy or dirty to bite anything other than your food, but it might be your best ticket in some situations to survive in a street brawl. So what do you think about biting in a street fight?
The mouth is the most unused and one of the most deadly weapons a person has. Im not that great of a grappler, so when a good grappler takes me down in a street fight, I will not hesitate to take a chunk, fighting makes me hungry anyway,JK. About the hungry part anyway, not joking about the biting. Im not much of a grappler so if a grappler knows your a biter then they wont be so quick to take you down, that is the weakness of a BJJ fighter. Alot of there techniques leave them open for a good biting. :D
Biting will also end the fight quickly, the attacker will realize quickly they have messed with the wrong person. I am a martial artist but I will fight dirty to, without hesitation. If I get a good chance to bite, I will. Only in a street fight though.
I wouldn't hesitate.

As far as AIDS, you're more likely to get hepatitis...and then we have to keep in mind that the person you're biting has to HAVE those diseases for you to get them. On top of that, insofar as blood borne diseases, one doesn't have to draw blood to draw pain.

Good stuff, biting.


Okay putting on my Nursing Hat.

The only way to contact or contract Aids, Hep C by biting is

<LI>If you have an open sore in your mouth, gums, or tongue.
<LI>Swallowing the piece of flesh (CANNIBALIAM!!) or blood.
<LI>Blood spraying into your mucous membranes ie eyes, nose.

Mark E. Weiser
Lecture over for now! lol

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