
stay off of wiki!

I think your sister posts on the horse forum I go to!

Today on CNN one of the commentators was calling for both sides ( Democrats/Republicans) to stop calling each other Nazi's? I found that comparing the political methods used by the far right including getting much of the rest of the Republican party to agree with them or at least be controlled by the emotions of the messaged of the right to be valid in comparison to how Hitler was able to garner so much political control even more but classic manipulation by Facist methods is to acusse the other side of exactly what you are attempting or doing as the best way to intimidate or switch the topic. While there is evidence of actual Neo Nazi minded politition or having ties with Neo Nazi groups at state levels in general I don't feel the democrats are actually suggesting Republicans are truly Nazi's but are using many of Hitler's past documented methods for gaining political power.

Not sure what you are saying about Billy?
Today on CNN one of the commentators was calling for both sides ( Democrats/Republicans) to stop calling each other Nazi's? I found that comparing the political methods used by the far right including getting much of the rest of the Republican party to agree with them or at least be controlled by the emotions of the messaged of the right to be valid in comparison to how Hitler was able to garner so much political control even more but classic manipulation by Facist methods is to acusse the other side of exactly what you are attempting or doing as the best way to intimidate or switch the topic. While there is evidence of actual Neo Nazi minded politition or having ties with Neo Nazi groups at state levels in general I don't feel the democrats are actually suggesting Republicans are truly Nazi's but are using many of Hitler's past documented methods for gaining political power.

Not sure what you are saying about Billy?

Oh, I did not post the link to the discussion...
I said something about the current spectrum politically speaking was closer to Atilla the Hun and Hitler and somebody promptly pulled out the billie argument Nazis=left! :lfao:

ah, no. Really not. I think his ashes are causing a dust devil somewhere over Russia at the moment.

When I think about you I touch my self!


Wrong Person.

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