Bill Wallace's Superfoot System and Machida Karate


Yellow Belt
It just dawned on me that these two legends have an entire online curriculum, complete with belt progession and ranking. Although I don't really care about ranking in their systems, I was wondering if anyone has used any of the concepts in live sparring or incorporated any elements of these systems into their own style. Their legitimacy is undeniable, yet some people may find the internet concept off-putting, while others may find it to be a helpful finding.
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I’ve learned a lot about kicking from Bill Wallace over the years. One of the things that makes him unique are degrees in Physical Fitness and Kinesiology, and his knowledge and practices in stretching.

And the man has really good hands, too. He can bang.

My students and I have used what we’ve learned from him, directly or indirectly, every day we’ve trained, every day we’ve sparred.

Although I’m not personally a fan, the man seriously knows the striking game. He’s good at everything he does. Crazy good.
Many people have; both have taught numerous clinics and seminars for years, and even with the name recognition, people wouldn't keep coming and paying if they didn't find something useful in them.

Bill Wallace has shared a lot of information about kicking and fight strategy over the years, in various places and articles. I know I read a few, and I'm sure I took at least an exercise or concept from them.

I can't say as much about the Machidas ... but they have plenty of locations, so someone's finding them of value.

As to online training.... eh. Not a fan, even with opportunities like Zoom.
why not a fan of him? (just curious)

Just a personality clash, no big deal.
One hell of a great Martial Artist, though. Great fighter, too.

Way back in the day, he was to defend his PKA middleweight title against a guy I knew a lot about. I happened to see Bill the weekend before the fight and mentioned how hard the guy kicked.

Bill smiled and said, “I’m not going to let him kick. He’s going to be pinned to the ropes until he falls down and doesn’t get back up.

And that’s just what happened.
Thanks for your responses. If anything, I'm thinking about looking into the Superfoot system. I can see it more helpful in my Kyokushin classes im currently taking
Thanks for your responses. If anything, I'm thinking about looking into the Superfoot system. I can see it more helpful in my Kyokushin classes im currently taking

I love the way Wallace can kick.

And I really love Kyokushin karate. Watching a competition with Kyokushin fighters in person is what first got me into Martial Arts.

I remember thinking. “Those boys be crazy.”
I was only a child when American full contact kickboxing was popular, and I missed out on some incredible martial artists and fighters from that era, like as Wallace, Theriault, Benny the Jet, Don Wilson, and others.

Kyokushin has been fantastic, definitely demanding on the body, and I can only really train it once a week, but I'm grateful I have the capacity to train it in the first place at my age.
I was only a child when American full contact kickboxing was popular, and I missed out on some incredible martial artists and fighters from that era, like as Wallace, Theriault, Benny the Jet, Don Wilson, and others.

Kyokushin has been fantastic, definitely demanding on the body, and I can only really train it once a week, but I'm grateful I have the capacity to train it in the first place at my age.

Love it. You go, brother.

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