Bill Maher, remember Theo Van Goh

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I don't have any job. I just agreed with Don. Any criticism of Islam based atrocities gets "well what about the Crusades?" style responses. Playing the "I never said that Christians are just as bad" game is BS semantics.


BIG DON - provide one or more quotations from this site where this is done.

And, Archangel, since you agree so vehemently, you do the same. If you post that you agree, then you *surely* have an informed and defendable opinion, right?



Oh, and using the point other people use that Islamic terrorism isn't the only terrorism out there is NOT the same, neither logically nor literally, as *condoning terrorism* or anything else.
Re you reading my posts. My "opinion" is:

Like this one:

AGAIN ... (lord, this is tiresome)

EVEN BILL MAHER *qualifies* his statement by saying - and I quote - "radicalized Muslims" and it is ACHINGLY CLEAR he acknowledges that while many Muslims are NOT radicalized, it is the radicalized faction that are an enormous danger.

The position defended on this site by several is that it is the religion of Islam in its entirety that is the threat, that the Q'uran contains things designed to incite its members into horrific acts.

Failing to acknowledge that virtually all sacred writings contain such material is ridiculous. To blame the entire religion itself and the entirety of its members for being potential terrorists is ignorant and wrong - the intelligent person would acknowledge that this is a potential for anyone with religion, so it has been demonstrated.

Providing historical references to such factualization is not endorsing radicalized Muslims nor terrorism of any kind.

It is reaching, to say the VERY least. And it is imperative for you to know this.
you DID try and divert away from muslim atrocities by saying falsely i might add, "christians do it too" without addressing or condeming the modern muslim crimes.

pretty much exactly what we are talking about.

you are free to disagree

Definition of a religious war? Fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.

Please continue….
you DID try and divert away from muslim atrocities by saying falsely i might add, "christians do it too" without addressing or condeming the modern muslim crimes.

pretty much exactly what we are talking about.

you are free to disagree

yeah i did say that cause all religions have their wingnuts.

I was suppsed to say 'Yeah it sucked what they did'? I thought that was a given. I thought everyone here knows me well enough to know of course i think it sucks. That's why i only left it at that, what i said in the post.
well, for one thing, they are worse, by any measurable stat, IMO

and B: ok, i didnt know you felt that way, cuz it wasnt said. thats all.
I like it when people can talk about stuff and not go nuts. It makes it more fun. It's like mom and dad aren't fighting anymore.
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