Bil Gee- Jabbing fingers through soda cans or something else?

...yes, and that's because? Please to be finishing your thought, Sahib. Is it unecessary, impractical, a fraud, or ???

Its just a gimmick. Like punching a person holding a telephone directory on their chest with a one inch punch

The point is that bil gee has its uses but its not a special move. Most martial art systems use similar strikes. In wing chun we employ it a little bit quicker and with more energy as part of our fighting. It is not exactly a Mortal Kombat finishing move (Down, Forward, Forward, Up - 'Fatality...'), but it can help with bridging, distrcting your opponent or in many cases causing serious damage to your attacker

But don't spend years concentrating on it - I'd ratrher be able to hit someone extremely hard than hope that my finger strike will work every time!
I think the best way to practice Bil Gee would be to get some swimming googles or Science Googles. An practice light sparring with Bil Gee applications. This way you get to practice aiming for the eyes. With out making contact. At the same time you practice entry techniques and defenses against your partner who is also trying to bil gee you. Are you could take turns. One person wears goggles(Defend only). The person with out the swimmers googles attacks an uses entry techniques to hit the eyes.

My Sifu shared with me there are other applications for Bil Gee other than Eyes and Throat. He told me it would take years for me to condition my hands to be able to develope thrusting fingers. But in actuality you should be able to develop iron fingers so you can actually do damage to your opponents nerves on his body and around his neck and chest and kidneys. I was taught Bil Gee was really good to strike the kidneys. But if your fingers aren't strong enough your just in for jammed fingers.

Ways of conditioning.

Push ups on your fingers:
Start with Ten a day to you progress to fifty
Then work your way up to One Hundred a day.
Once you can do a Hundred pretty easily and fast then try to do One thousand a day. Once you accomplish this your on your way.

Thrusting fingers in Bucket:
My Sifu told me start off with Rice. He said thrust your fingers through the rice each day for one hour. It should take you about a year to grind the rice completely down. Then move up to Gravel. Do that for a year. After that fill the bucket up with steel shots.

My Sifu said I should practice it with stabbing the rice with blade hands or snake fist and then grab the rice/steel shots,Squeeze the rice/steelshots then release it letting the rice/steelshots slide out of fingers into the bucket than stab the bucket of rice again an repeat this action over and over again.

There is another inch power exercise you do with the rice as well. But I won't share that on this thread.

But I know this exercise has a name. Does anyone know what it is called when you fill a bucket up with rice and thrust your fingers through it?

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