Big toe skin issues


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Hi All,

I've had problems with the skin on the bottom of my big toe tearing lately. This Monday, during a typical barefoot training on carpet, I tore several layers on skin off the bottom of my big toe near the ball of my foot. I can train for the next few weeks in shoes. What can I do to speed healing on this issue? What can I do to toughen up this part of my foot?
I don't know about toughening your toes up, but can you tape your toes until they heal?
I've done this myself. Taping is better than wearing shoes, but DON'T USE DUCT TAPE. Trust me on this. Use athletic tape over a pad of some sort. Your feet will toughen as you work out more barefoot. It just takes time.

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