Blue Belt
I have terribly soft feet. I mean, as a kid, I could never run around outside bare-footed because they are so soft and sensitive.
Now, I'm dealing with blisters. One of my feet is alright, but with the other I've got a problem.
I developed a blister on the ball of the foot. As it was healing, I got another blister beneath it, complete with blood. These eventually peeled off. I got another one. So I got some mole skin and taped it to alleviate the friction from training sessions until that one healed. The dead skin peeled off. Now it just seems like the skin there is really thin, almost like the opposite effect of callusing.
This might sound strange, but is there anything you can do to try to develop calluses? If I could thicken this tissue, it would be a HUGE help.
Big thanks.
Now, I'm dealing with blisters. One of my feet is alright, but with the other I've got a problem.
I developed a blister on the ball of the foot. As it was healing, I got another blister beneath it, complete with blood. These eventually peeled off. I got another one. So I got some mole skin and taped it to alleviate the friction from training sessions until that one healed. The dead skin peeled off. Now it just seems like the skin there is really thin, almost like the opposite effect of callusing.
This might sound strange, but is there anything you can do to try to develop calluses? If I could thicken this tissue, it would be a HUGE help.
Big thanks.