big fight night :)

how did you go?!

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won in the middle of the fifth - just - we knocked each other out but cos she hit the deck first i was deemed to have won :)

tukin hell it was prolly the hardest fight i've ever had and we must have had similar intentions to get in there and get it all over with ASAP - cos we both went at it hard and fast --- believe me my head is telling me that's what happened ;)

as for my looks :( my nose is properly squashed, my jaw hurts like hell and i'll be surprised if it's not busted :( my ribs feel as though i shoud've been born thinner and my leg feels as though it needs wheels on it but apart from that i'm not too bad ;)

gotta go the hospital for scan to see if everything is ok :( it feels ok on the concoction of tramadol, ibuprofen and some other strange liquid stuff ;) i've used that much deep freeze that i oughta be living in the arctic cos at least it wouldn't hurt so much and i wouldn't have to drink through a straw :( i can see through my left side only too - hoping that the swelling goes down soon cos i look way worse than Herman Munster at the moment :(

i don't know how she is but she looked to be way worse than me but hell there was blood all over the show from both of us once our noses had exploded :)

it was prolly the best "contest" that i've ever been in and am hoping that there won't be too many hard feelings between us after it despite me having bragging rights :)
I've never heard of the rule that the last to hit the deck won, who was reffing? the usual thing is a 'no contest' or a double KO. If you were both hurt that much the organisation is remiss and negligent in not getting you medical help at the cage side, did the doctor not have a look? The doctor should have see anyone who has been KO'd.
Congrats on the win! Post pics!
can tell that you don't understand the rule of "no way out".

doctor ? doctors call cops and you know my feelings on that one. help at cage side - it's there but it's not full on paramedic stuff - it never has been where my old cage is concerned.

as for the organisation not being right -- you could well be onto something but we all know what happens in that cage ;) -- as for being negligent - not having that - everyone knows what's what before you go in it's something that everyone just accepts - if you need a hospital then you go on the way back home if you really need to but then again they too ask lots of questions.
can tell that you don't understand the rule of "no way out".

doctor ? doctors call cops and you know my feelings on that one. help at cage side - it's there but it's not full on paramedic stuff - it never has been where my old cage is concerned.

as for the organisation not being right -- you could well be onto something but we all know what happens in that cage ;) -- as for being negligent - not having that - everyone knows what's what before you go in it's something that everyone just accepts - if you need a hospital then you go on the way back home if you really need to but then again they too ask lots of questions.

Whoa! Doctors call cops? What sort of fight night were you fighting on? All the fight nights I've ever been on, worked with or even just watched have had medics available, properly trained paramedics even doctors. Who fights on promotions or even interclubs without a medic?

'No way' out? No we don't all know what 'goes on in that cage', what goes in in ours and everyone else's is properly refereed fights, matched by weight, experience and gender. We have rules for the safety of fighters and we have experienced refs. I have taken two fighters to hospital (we shared the waiting room with the friends of a girl who twisted her ankle badly tap dancing) and 'questions' weren't asked in the way you mean, MMA, Muay Thai and martial arts are sports and accepted as such. Injuries aren't uncommon. You may have a doctor who 'tuts' as people who get sports injuries but that's all. No police, in fact I know a couple of police officers who fight 'in the cage' in MMA. Muay Thai is a martial art that has been in the UK a very long time, no one is going to call the police fighters. Why was the MT fight in a cage anyway? If you want to take risks with your safety fine but please don't make out that this is in anyway normal behaviour in a cage in this country.
one other point

just cos there's a bit of blood being spilt does not mean that anything stops cos it doesn't you carry on like always have done.

Well, it depends on where it's coming from doesn't it, which is why you have experienced refs. A bloody nose is nothing, a cut eye/eyebrow impeding the vision so the fighter cannot defend themselves properly is something else, a good cut man/woman can patch it up to continue fighting, if it's too deep and disadvantaging the fighter then the fight is stopped.
can tell that you don't understand the rule of "no way out".

doctor ? doctors call cops and you know my feelings on that one. help at cage side - it's there but it's not full on paramedic stuff - it never has been where my old cage is concerned.

as for the organisation not being right -- you could well be onto something but we all know what happens in that cage ;) -- as for being negligent - not having that - everyone knows what's what before you go in it's something that everyone just accepts - if you need a hospital then you go on the way back home if you really need to but then again they too ask lots of questions.

Tez is right. If your club is running competitions like they're some sort of underground fight club, without medical supervision, hiding from the cops, then you need to find a new club.

Taking risks is part of the fight game. Taking stupid risks doesn't have to be.
can tell that you don't understand the rule of "no way out".

doctor ? doctors call cops and you know my feelings on that one. help at cage side - it's there but it's not full on paramedic stuff - it never has been where my old cage is concerned.

as for the organisation not being right -- you could well be onto something but we all know what happens in that cage ;) -- as for being negligent - not having that - everyone knows what's what before you go in it's something that everyone just accepts - if you need a hospital then you go on the way back home if you really need to but then again they too ask lots of questions.

Thought that was the other way round, the first to stand up. Best get the plaster of paris on that nose eh :D
when i joined up to MT i told everyone about what happens in my cage and it really is MY CAGE - cost me £2200 and then i moved house and had nowhere for it and the rest of the answers are in what i've written since.
when i joined up to MT i told everyone about what happens in my cage and it really is MY CAGE - cost me £2200 and then i moved house and had nowhere for it and the rest of the answers are in what i've written since.

Yep. I was tempted to say garage brawl :)
as for finding a new fight club - it wasn't CMA running the show it was musclehouse massive difference for one thing you don't sign any bits of paper for "legal and insurance" reasons.

as for stopping going --- not a cat in hells chance will that ever happen.

medical assistance - like i outlined - what's the problem ? i told you what it's like and i've described it in many different posts before now too.
Cheshire Martial Arts --- amongst many other disciplines --- it's a muay thai fight school

which if you'd read the stuff about the cage then you would've seen my references to CMA too.

it's also listed on my profile page too :)

I know two of the coaches there.