better late than never

more power to you then...I have one more programming class to accomplish then I'm out of that tyranny forever...gimme my DNS servers with forward and reverse lookup zones and I'm much more at home. :D
Chronuss said:
I have one more programming class to accomplish then I'm out of that tyranny forever...gimme my DNS servers with forward and reverse lookup zones and I'm much more at home. :D
grrrosss...put me in some recursive loops and object oriented design and i'm happy/frustrated for hours...

you matter what your focus, the computer industry preys on people that can't stand not being able to solve a problem...i will stay up(and have) until 4 in the morning for 3 days straight programming and gone to class the next morning...i swear...if you put a rubik's cube in my hands i'd die of starvation...