Best place to hit first?

searcher said:
This is an great target. It is often overlooked and is easily accessible. Another way to utilize the ears is to pull them off. It only takes 3-5 pounds of pressure to tear one off. A simple up and down jerk and it is in your hand. The only drawback is that they bleed something fierce.:erg:
You say this as if you've done it..?
Hello, Thank-you for the replys! No simple answer here? Most of you agree the eyes, nose, throat, knees, stomp the foot,shins and groin?

My daughter does not want to learn the martial arts and we offer her other choices too. The one thing I tell her is always go for the eyes first, if someone is attacking you. Take out their eye site, if they cannot see you...than you can run away or hit them with anything around you.

also the other areas all of you have mention, hit the nose, throat, groin, and shin and if the person is on the ground stomp the ankles and run.....she knows about poping the ears, biting. Also spiting into the face.

The eyes, nose and throat are instant release areas to strike and I might add from past experience from myself and others that an elbow to the bridge of the nose serves basically the same purpose as being struck in the nose but with extreme pain that works on the brain, instant headaches, blindness. Also any strike to the ear area causes loss of balance and equilibrium. It also causes double vision and unsteadiness. Hope this helps.
Grandmaster Kuoha
Everyone has to remember that not all points work on everyone. I've had my nose broken enough times that the nerve below my nose is dead. The second time it was broke I just laughed. The groin does not work on someone that is drunk. Drunks do not feel much pain until they start coming down. The instep is a great place but also I have been hit there so many times I am used to it and then say oww later on. The shin slide to instep works, it is a tracking move and hits two targets at once so if one does not work the second may. The base of the throat is great as are the ears.
Best place to hit first?

Whatever is available for your hitting. If they are an experienced martial artist, or smart enough to defend themselves, you will not be able to hit them anywhere you please. Look for holes in their defense and use it against them, hard.

Auf Wiedersehen alle.
If you think that your going to lose the fight...Hit him/her in the groin area, they will fall like a ton of bricks.
still learning said:
Hello, What can we teach a person with no experience the best place to hit someone and run/ for defence?...........Aloha
I have always found the groin to be the best place to hit first.
What are the dangers of a blow to your opponent's throat? I have some reservations with this tactic, simply because I don't really understand its consequences. I mean, is this something that can be fatal if not done properly?
crushing the windpipe.. not conducive to breathing.. so unless you're spot on with your targeting and control.. I would avoid the front of the throat unless you're intent on real harm.

I would go for the eyes and knees.
still learning said:
What can we teach a person with no experience the best place to hit someone and run for defence?...........Aloha

The original question was posed as a defense situation. Therefore, danger is to be assumed. Am I wrong?

I feel the strike to the throat is a pretty good choice here. Crushed windpipe, carotid sinus. I don't think accuracy will be a problem.

You can collapse the windpipe (including that it can spasm shut). A punch or kick runs the risk of injuring the neck more generally. A throat blow is dangerous, though a quick single-finger poke is usually not a threat to life (usually).
Henderson said:
The original question was posed as a defense situation. Therefore, danger is to be assumed. Am I wrong?

Well, that's always the difficulty with discussing a situation like this. One person imagines facing an opponent with a weapon, far from help, and another imagines a bully in the halls of his high school. The responses will surely be different!
Have any of you heard any first-hand accounts of a blow to the windpipe? The kind of scenario I'm thinking about is self-defense in the most primal form, say 1 person being attacked by several, where reducing the number of opponents quickly is vital. I'm not being very clear here with what I'm trying to ask, I guess. I'd like to know I could resort to something like this if I had to, but if it's been proven to result in death at a pretty high rate, I don't think I would utilize this technique unless it was truly life or death. Has anyone any first-hand (or even second-hand) knowledge of an actual occurance of this type of strike?

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