Best Martial Arts video library


Master Black Belt
Anything by George Dillman
Anything by Wally Jay
Anything by Remy Presas
Anything by Bill Burch
Anything by Dusty Seale
Anything by T.A. Frazer
Anything by Tony Annesi

Thoughts on videos anyone,

PPKO :mad: :EG: :waah:
I wish I had about $25,000 to purchase all the Kenpo Videos I could find and watch them all lol if I had about 3 years to watch them lol.
Either of the Dog Brothers series on stickfighting, but in particular I really liked the first one.

Tony cecchine catch wrestling video's are great. I love the unique way they wrestled, some of the submissions are like body shots in boxing there were not meant to end the fight but lead to some other sumission that will end the fight. I love doing the non-fight finishing moves that are very mean to certain people in sparring.

Very good mean stuff for anyone who likes grappling.
I kind of like this Modern Arnis video by a guy who was nick named Sumo Tim at a camp I attended a year ago. It had lots of good information.
Datu Kelly Worden's material is very good.
Professor David James and Mr. Bob Orlando are highly recommended.
As for the best company in martial arts video, I recommend Paladin Press.
I just recently purchased some Modern Arnis videos from Ken Smith that were very good to watch.

Song Park has some good pressure point/Kiai-JItsu videos at

James Keating's Comtech Tomahawk video contain some valuable CQB information on the tomahawk.

Anything from Yang, Jwing-Ming is good

Anything from George Dillman is good

Vladimir Vassilev has some EXCELLENT videos on Russian Martial Arts

Jeremy Bays
Kwe sewakwekon, hello everyone, is there any good places to rent Instructional Videos? I looked at Bushido but they were $19.95 a month and only allow 1 dvd at out at a time for that rate, not much of a savings over buying most videos.

I'm mainly interested in those on Kenpo, Bo and the moment

Nia:wen Thank you.

Kwe sewakwekon, hello everyone, is there any good places to rent Instructional Videos? I looked at Bushido but they were $19.95 a month and only allow 1 dvd at out at a time for that rate, not much of a savings over buying most videos.

I'm mainly interested in those on Kenpo, Bo and the moment

Nia:wen Thank you.


I have had a very good experience renting from Goldstar Video, though it looks like his selection has changed since he made the transition to DVD. He used to have the Planas tapes, but it doesn't look like he carries those anymore.

For those interested in Olympic-style Taekwondo sparring, the following are awesome sources of info:

Coach Kim's video series (former Korean Olympic coach)
Han Won Lee's video series (former US Olympic coach)
Dr. Jin Bang Yang's series (professor of Taekwondo at Korean University)
