Best Krav Maga Videos?

Best KM Videos? In your opinion, who puts out the best Krav Maga videos, and why?

I have the tapes that the LA guys put out as well as ones from Rhon Mizrachi from NY. IMO, I think both do a very good job of breaking down the material. The LA tapes seem to have a bit more flash to them, but that is not to take anything away from the others.

Both give a few different angles, with and without a partner. The LA tapes cover weapons while the NY ones are empty hand only. There is a ref. made by Rhon that this is something he would cover in future tapes, but I've yet to see anymore from him.

There are of course, other tapes out there covering off-shoots of KM. The most I've seen of those, have been short online clips.

I have the tapes that the LA guys put out as well as ones from Rhon Mizrachi from NY. IMO, I think both do a very good job of breaking down the material. The LA tapes seem to have a bit more flash to them, but that is not to take anything away from the others.

Both give a few different angles, with and without a partner. The LA tapes cover weapons while the NY ones are empty hand only. There is a ref. made by Rhon that this is something he would cover in future tapes, but I've yet to see anymore from him.

There are of course, other tapes out there covering off-shoots of KM. The most I've seen of those, have been short online clips.


Yes, that's close to what I've heard. I do like the L.A. tapes (except for some of the knife defenses) and now that you can get the whole set secondhand on or Ebay, they're an even better deal.

I've heare really mixed reviews (putting it charitably), however, on some of the offshoot DVD's. The systems may be just fine, though.
Yes, that's close to what I've heard. I do like the L.A. tapes (except for some of the knife defenses) and now that you can get the whole set secondhand on or Ebay, they're an even better deal.

I've heare really mixed reviews (putting it charitably), however, on some of the offshoot DVD's. The systems may be just fine, though.

Johnathan you are right on the money. I enjoy the LA tapes as well they certainly are high quality but some of the knife defenses were not that great. If you can get them second hand on ebay that is a good deal.
I think the best are here. Why? See for yourself!

Thanks for the link!
Indeed, thanks for the link - some of the better quality free instructional (as opposed to showcasing) Krav videos I've seen. Props to the guy for making them.

Just a few comments. His punches look just a bit off, at least from my angle. They resemble TKD punches (which would make sense), rather than boxing style punches (shoulder up, chin down). Krav is not about bein a stickler on style of course, but leavin the head exposed like that seems like an unnecessary opening... surprised he hasnt gotten caught for it during sparring.

He also goofs a little on the clinches once or twice, but again thats no biggie. Overall a very good synopsis of the Krav level 1 curriculum.